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Posts posted by ColdsnapBryan

  1. Anyone have a pair of 1967 505 that has been washed a few times, do you loose length on the inseam from washes? I've got a bit more stacking than I like and was thinking about hemming them, but if they will shrink up in the first wash I could just keep them how they are.

  2. 316bryL2vXL._SL500_AA300_.jpg

    Gatsby hairspray.. Anyone have any experience? Now that my pomp is much longer just a little bit of murray's isnt holding enough; I was suggested this.

    Also: What's the difference between Gatsby paste and murray's?

  3. Anyone with an APC NS in size 32 can measure your front rise and say how long you been wearing them for? I'm just curious how much my front rise has shrunk over the time and washes.

  4. There's a difference between criticism and trolling. While I might agree with the waxed eyebrows and douchey "I just woke up but really I spend 15mins on my hair", however what you said to me just seemed random and unnecessary. It reads like a insecure sixteen year old.

  5. What do you guys think. I've been cutting my own hair for the past year and I finally have enough cash to pay for a cut. I want to take the sides in and have my temples shorter buzzed then the rest of the cut. Something that looks like this but not that drastic, only the temples would be that short while the rest is a step up on the buzzer.


    I cant decide If I want to go shorter on the top or keep the length I currently have like the picture above.

    Here's a picture for reference and DAMN DO I LOOK UGLY BELOW THAT GUY!


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