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Posts posted by juliaN.

  1. the past few months I've been mostly at home reading and writing as much as I can...and my dad, who ain't been doin shit for the past decade keeps getting on my case about the smallest things. It's getting to the point just hearing his voice is grating on my fucking nerves like sharp nails on a chalkboard. At one point I posted on here about how my dad was a style icon to me growing up, well, as of now I respect him because he's my dad... but I've gotten to the point in my life where I don't see him as a role model, father figure, any of that, fuck it dude is just getting in the way and fucking up my flow. On the real, the dude ain't contribute shit but negative energy and losses to everything around him these past 10 years.

    a failed man who tries to impose on his son so he can live vicariously through him...I can't respect that.

  2. you guys are trying to prevent weight gain...

    for some reason I've lost a bit of weight in the past few months...and even though my appetite hasn't changed, heck I'm even eating more, I can't seem to put on any weight. Shit is troubling my arms look emaciated

  3. what is the quality like on the fabrics and construction of damir's stuff?

    yet to experience the delight - great designer.

    not good

    fragile and delicate as hell. wouldn't put my bank account on something that makes Rick Owens tanks feel like Tony Starks.

  4. so scary. so wayward. so steezy.

    go out there and melt the snow with the heat from yr waywardness.

    evan's gaze in that pic is oozing with a smoldering sexuality that is only heightened by the nonchalant slouch and off fitting clothes. That steez is on par with 80s Rourke.

  5. I know supertrash / superconfessional is fairly liberal, etc, and I'm not really a stickler for rules or the ways things should be, but superfuture users really shouldnt be publishing ways and methods for suicide.

    where has this been posted?

    that's bullshit, fuck suicide...if you're going crazy then go paint or rap, at least go triple quadruple quadraple platinum before you blow your brains out.

  6. in theory this place would be even more fun to fuck around with than Styleforum, but I don't think these people have the wits to at least argue back. The prerequisite for a good trolling spot is to have a community who at least have some kinda knowledge that can prop up their misguided and oblivious hubris.

  7. that shit's funny, but not nearly as funny as the Hypebeast "upgraded from The Hundreds to Supreme" thread.

    i looked at some of those pinoys myspace and blogs. I'm thinking, shit I might be on that pseudo-triads steez, but I don't think I'd last 5 minutes in a Bay Area majority Asian populated high school.

  8. maybe see if someone can do a proxy from Atelier or somethin

    this season's Yohji on sale, other than the crazy overcoats is pretty good roomy basic stuff with a twist...white shirts with all sorts of fucked up collars after the discount are about the same $ as a BoO, some cool black pants in cotton or wool, slim/baggy with some details like double slant front pockets, tartan flap on back pockets, etc. that are like $300 or a bit less. The knits are also really good.

  9. where are those pieces from?

    i think if you had a full length Yohji overcoat on top of that and just dump the trouser hems over some roughed up combat boots and maybe a beanie you could be good to go in the snow.

    on another note, Yohji's outfit in the NYT originals feature is on some Yakuza Shaft shit....

  10. My friend interned for Alexander Wang for a while.

    She recently quit. Most of the girls interning their are really rude.

    She was present backstage with Alex at his shows and stuff. Their is no glory and very little satisfaction when you start interning. It is mostly being pushed around by people who have been there longer than you and running errands all day.

    I wish you all the best. Interning for Jil Sander will be a much more fulfilling experience than working for someone as young and unexperienced as Wang.

    damn, that sucks

    i just read some mag feature on A. Wang, I think in i-D...I got the impression it sounded like this guy was running the chillest operation in fashion. I was taken aback at how effortlessly laid back he made his whole ascent to stardom sound, found it kinda odd.

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