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Posts posted by juliaN.

  1. jawnz and drugs all the way

    never had much experience with either but based on observation it seems like a better use of money than the 4 years in institutionalized education.

    shit if you wanna educate yourself just go to the library and read whatever you can get your hands on, or a bookstore, whatever. if you want to discuss it with other people just log on to superfuture and start a thread on whatever subject you wanna discuss

  2. hk is populated with cornballs. thats my best way to describe it. sad cause its not like hk doesnt have plenty of brands and choices to offer people. not as much as tokyo, but much better than arkansas or something.

    i couldnt believe how many girls wear those knee high boots. cantonese ppl are by majority short and stubby, those boots do not help at all. also more boots with the fur than on UT campus.

    yeah man. the dress sense among local girls aged 18-25 is pretty bad.

  3. ahh sorry NESK you cool but i can't vibe with those pants. i dunno...the way the crotch is cut and how it segues into the legs they look like diaper pants (sorry for the cliche, it's first thing that popped up).

    i think LUC pulled this look off better in some black pants they did a while back that I think Luca himself was pictured in. I haven't seen/felt them in person so can't comment on quality etc

    i also think the material has something to do with it...YY did a really saggy diaper style trouser last spring, but it was in a heavy velour and it had suspenders attached kinda like overalls, so at least there is a more appropriate form to the overall slouchiness of the garment when worn. Something about the way that fabric looks in those pics does not gel with the silhouette it's trying to accomplish

  4. College can be a great chance for you to break out of your shell, true, but one word -

    If at the end of college, you look back on those 4 years and think "damn, that was the best time I ever had and most likely will ever have in my life" and think that the rest is a downward slope, then you are fucked.

    Every day is better than the last

  5. the mixed girl at Yohji Yamamoto aoyama is cute and very stylish

    older lady there with long wavy/curly orange-ish hair and glasses also very stylish, very nice woman who has been around forever

    Taiwanese girl at L'eclaireur right across the street is friendly and quite attractive

    Woman with fake tits and faker smile at Boucheron in Ginza is ideal fuck/throwaway material

    Long haired ponytail dude at YY stall in Isetan Shinjuku is a great guy, funny as hell too...neither of us understand a word the other is sayin, but i liked him when he took out this chainmail vest and asked if i wanted to try it on and we both had a laugh.

    The woman who I think owns Lift is one of the most stylish women i've ever met and about as down to earth as a human being can possibly get. love that woman

  6. well circumstances aside, maybe i havent seen enough films this year (which i really didn't watch that many), but can't think of a supporting performance better than Ledger's.

    Best Actor is gonna be a tough race, i hope they give it to Mickey because fuck it, might as well. Brad Pitt has enough in the world being Brad Pitt, and Sean Penn don't need it anyway.

  7. i dont "get" LA. whats good about it? its probably my least favourite big city.

    i think the idea of LA is better than the reality of it, what the city represents. Probably better experienced as a state of mind rather than living there, of course unless you livin like Gouf

    btw Beverly Hills Hilton is the most haunted hotel on earth

  8. inglourious basterds should be ok , tarantino films are never bad on a first viewing

    lol @ odb comment. yeah i think they wanted to release it for oscar bait time but it got pushed back, too much competition?...and if he's coming out right around march there's no chance he'll be up in 2010...russell crowe gladiator type win is pretty damn rare. I think Heath might pull it off for supporting actor.

  9. good luck with everything max a million

    see you when the sun shines again, or on the other side of abbey road, whichever one come first

    I've been here just as much as usual, but I realize its become a negative feedback loop for me. As of this post, and not because of v4.0 (as much of an eyesore as it is) or any influx of lame posters, etc., I'm hanging up my jawns, hanging up my keyboard-warrior abilities, and calling it a day on SuFu. I learned a lot, I made some great friends, both digital and in real life, but I feel I've run my course here for the time being. I need to sort out priorities and whatnot, but more or less, I've just grown into too much of an incredibly boring and unacceptably dull introvert since I started posting here. Oh yeah, self-reinforced self consciousness too. So, c'est la vie.

    You're all beautiful in some way or another, hilarious, callow, hollow, good, bad, not evil, but generally, you are.

    No hard feelings, no enmity, no anger of any sort: just love and admiration. Maybe now I can get a job and not feel like I'm missing out on sweet internets. I'm sure I won't last two days, but such is the attraction/detraction of this place.

    Keep it classy.


  10. also, to poster above me, why is your cigarette lit while inside? isn't that dangerous they say

    styling on the universe > risk of death through toilet fire you can't get out of

    the best of em usually went out in a pathetic way anyway

  11. Damn that would work, to bad dude don't got baggy jeans, I tried to tell him.

    it would work if he had the eye that realized the absurdity and outlandishness of the outfit, yet still be able to swagger around town without the self consciousness of doubting/questioning whether or not his outfit looks 'good' or if the invisible people are laughing at him, which I don't think he has (no offense to you FreshKorean, you're an alright guy and I could be totally wrong as im just goin off pics, fuck it my pics are wack as shit)

    one of my favorite style descriptions was from glenn o brien about how basquiat would buy an armani suit fresh off the rack then go paint in it

  12. yeah who cares

    a lot of those arent necessarily mainlanders...the ballers will need not queue

    probably just HK schoolkids/random bottom tier office workers wanting to splurge on a wallet or pocket pouch, or some other insignificant item for their equally insignificant other

    haha yeah that sounds arrogant, fuck it that old Chinese dude in the Zooey Deschanel Complex mag was spot on when he answered "Who has wack style?" with "Hong Kong"

    if people on here think the internetz, hypebeast, even ISS has wack style, clearly they have never spent an afternoon in TST, CWB or even CEntral. wick wick wickity wack

  13. You guys are on some elite nazi bullshit.

    Welcome to the fashion elitism antechamber.

    but yo, i think your appropriation of the Juun J would've worked iif the rest of your look wasnt so typical. fuck man, wear that cape with one of your baggier jeans and those CdG ironic/kitsch/postmodernwhatever visvims you got. make that shit your own. i think why you're fallin into sheep category is because you are going with something that was already done, and done better at that.

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