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Posts posted by juliaN.

  1. this should probably go in missed connections but this space is more convenient and its apt

    earlier today on the subway i found myself in the space of a white dude's camera lens, he was standing behind me and it wasn't until i looked at the door's reflection i noticed it. dude was wearing a Supreme cap, and nowadays I'm under the impression that if anyone is wearing something like that they've gotta be on one of the umbrella of socio-cultural-fashion forums on the net. if that was you, give me a shout i'd like to see the photo

  2. The Temple of Jawnz has now disbanded for the time being. :( It will live on forever though, and reincarnate in the future, with new and improved jawnz.

    no comment on the TOJ thing

    but your sig is lies

    i think Yohji would be handlin his bidness a bit better.

  3. finally mustered up the courage to finish a book I started a few weeks ago and had to put down about 2/3rds of the way through - Sabbath's Theater. Jesus christ that was a difficult read, never been on a roller coaster but think I have a pretty good idea of what it must be like. The opening half or so probably contains some of the best dirty-old-man-fuck-you passages ever put to prose though (i threw up one in the fav. quotes thread which is one of my favorite sentences ever). And once I got through some of the REALLY depressing shit about parenthood and lost childhood memories there were a few funny moments of black comedy involving a mental asylum. The last sentence is very fitting in its irony.

    One of the best books I've ever read and don't think I ever will again.

  4. christmas eve (which is probably still the 23rd for most of ya'll) i might be doing a boycott at night time...most likely gonna do the same thing i did last year - wear some yakuza shit and then roll over to midnight mass at the girls school over in kowloon. I'm not religious, but at least I'll be amongst a few friends and that beats a real silent night in front of the superscreen. Right?!?!

  5. update:

    i got some sushi but i didnt get it from the place i wanted(it was closed) and it was overpriced and not worth it

    sushi plus where are uuuuuu:p

    hmm...im not so sure of this is meta (then again like most things i talk about, i only have a vague, shallow and personal, often times inaccurate understanding of what they mean). Sounds more like your average night of bad luck to me.

  6. what's homunculus, never heard that word before

    manga/anime is a fascinating sub-universe. The people I know and or have met who are most deeply immersed in it always bring up how they prefer things that exist in anime (ie the women in these fantasy stories) more than what's out there in the real world. I never dabbled in it much aside from Sailor Moon being a childhood crush...

  7. in the ethan hawke film adaptation, the play within play is a film within film and uses clips from an old hamlet film adaptation.

    selfreflexsive-post-meta as fuck

    that shit sounds dangerous

    i dont think ill watch it...if i do i might never be able to get out of the screen

  8. What's going on in HK? Sleazy shit? Any pics a la Edison Chen?

    the sleaze is everywhere you go in this world, yet probably nowhere is it as hollow and devoid of pleasure, however temporary, as it is here.

  9. Timewasting and gold digging bitches

    Re: the 2nd -

    I think I can count all the non - on one hand, and those I've just been content just keeping it at the friendship level, never saw it any other way.

    if you can read chinese and follow the crazy drama about a few sagas that involve young girls here in HK over the past week (seriously, the whole week media has been focusing on like these same 2-3 cases), shit is sickening. Yeah, if you come to HK/China as a foreigner, I'd advise you to go play all you want, but make sure you tell her to take her stuff and leave the room before you go to sleep. If she's trying to talk to you just nod and smile and focus on the music rather than what she's saying, don't let any of that shit fool you it's smoke and mirrors.

  10. Thats some heavy stuff man. Write a book about it? Maybe an existentialist manga.

    Shit I'd buy it.

    I had a weird night. I won't elaborate though.

    fuck man I don't even wanna think about it, let alone write about it.

    In the ideal sequence of events, my dad wouldn't have gone to dinner his friend invited him to where he'd meet my mom, he would not have offered to drive her home, they would not have gotten married and best of all, I would never have been born. Life would've turned out different for all parties, can't say for the better or for worse since it didn't happen, but shit can't be much worse than it is now.

  11. @ juliaN: so what do you do now then ?

    That's a very good question, and I think you're asking the wrong person.

    Man, I don't even know where to begin....the past 2 or so months have been filled with so many different engagements, false starts, dead ends, broken ties that just trying to make sense of it makes me exhausted. 2008 isn't my year when it comes to stability in work, I think this was clear when the year began. I'm still planning to get some businesses on the ground running in 2009 with what I still have.

    Well that doesn't answer your question. Put it shortly, at the moment I'm doing nothing. Just living day to day, writing when I can, reading a lot, yeah.

  12. yeah the only exercise I still do is taking walks around the island community i live in, it's about a half hour walk around the whole thing and then i just chill at the pier grab a magazine or a book , a bottle of green tea and just smoke and read and think. I like walking because it lets me think, when I go to the gym or swim (both things I haven't done in forever) I can't quite reach that same level of calm.

  13. most people I know get along with their dad's WAY MORE when they dont live in the same house

    Well there's been some complex family drama around the house lately with some health problems in the higher ups, financial complications, and my mom has been bouncin off the walls. The amount of time I have to spend playing the middle man, mostly consoling my mom to realize she married the wrong man (which a very good friend of hers told her way back in the 80s when I was barely born), and the fact that dude is just waiting to die and has pretty much been dead for the past decade. Fuck it, I don't dwell on the past but this guy is dragging me the fuck down with him.

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