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Posts posted by CrashTestBrummie

  1. CTB just killed this thread...Someone make a new/redux one! ;)


    Mate, been meaning to do that for ages...and that's the slimmed-down version of the collection now that I've shifted a few pairs. There are a couple of pairs there that really aren't 'needed' but I haven't yet been able to let them go...



    Brummmie - my god!!

    Where did you find the vintage military boots?

    Has the leather reformed to your feet?


    Well, the ones I've worn the most have been the Lotus boots at the back of the one photo (saw a lot of wear in the snow, along with the Galways) and now the Tricker's brogue boots, and I've had no problems with them.


    Worth noting that those country boots would probably have had less wear than regular shoes from that period as there was, in the UK at least, a distinct sense of 'proper wear' for the right occasions so a shooting boot like a veldtschoen model would only have been worn when out in the field. Of course, this would have been a lot of the time during wartime but even then, they wouldn't have been worn 'casually' as in when not on duty.


    Most of the vintage stuff was found on eBay with the exception of the foremost pair of Lotus boots in the relevant pic which I got from the Vintage Showroom in London. Ironically, they cost more than any other second-hand pair that I own and have barely been worn by me...



    fuck me brummie, that is a lot of dead cow....


    Yeah, and a little bit of horse arse, too!

  2. Yep, there were some red/white No.2's produced by Evisu international.

    Some? It was the bulk of their selvage output for several years. Most Evisu International denim from approx 2000 to 2008ish will have that selvage with a printed, not stamped, No.2 on a fake leather patch.

  3. sounds like you have bought evisu international no.3 denim.....interesting if the patch does say no.2 on it.

    Post a photo.


    D85 denim was called No.2 before it became No.3.


    No.1 Specials and Galway boots:



  4. Freshly waxed Galways below now that autumn is on its way. Decided to try Chelsea Leather Food this time round instead of Obenauf's, and I'm very impressed with how well the dubbin was absorbed with no real greasy hangover.


    Of course, the proof of the pudding will be in the next dozen or so downpours...



  5. Edward Green Galway veldtschoen boot








    And just had a couple of pairs back from the Shoe Healer. The heels on the Galways below were coming lose so he reattached them but with the addition of a leather stack; he also sorted out new heels, cover soles and toe taps for the Tricker's high leg brogue boots.









  6. ^Ha, just checked and it's the same temp here at 7am on a later summer's day as it is over your way on a late winter's day!


    British sport's been on a bit of a roll since the Olympics, tbf. Of course, if the Scottish people vote 'yes' in their independence referendum next year then things might change on a very fundamental level.


    If they do, start keeping anything you have with the Union Jack on as it'll soon have retro status!

  7. Totally agree Crash- even the handpainted gulls don't look great. I do wonder who is calling the shots there- it's not hard to come up with a way of getting Evisu back into reputable territory, especially if they are turning up to Bread&Butter in Berlin etc. If Evisu Intl want to introduce Private Stock, make it comparable to the Japan version, but even then- I'd rather have the red tab and prestige of not available outside Japan. P.S. still got the jackets you sold me- no chance of any of your 32 waist stash given your fitness drive I suppose?!


    Undecided on the Lot 2101s, the Leepros. Going to get around to getting the 2504s hemmed (any recommendations, by the way) and then decide from there.


    My 2000s are still going strong but I don't think they'll last another five years. I did just treat myself to some Studio D'artisan duck pants when Superdenim knocked a third off recently but I'm still training my way into those... :D

  8. Apparently they're for the older denimhead Ben. Once you reach 40, you start feeling the cold you know! ;)


    Pffft, I'll have to let you know. I'll be running rings around you pesky kids at the rate I'm going this year :P

  9. So, it looks like Evisu International are pushing a more premium approach- I know my mate is stocking for A/W 13 along with Oi Polloi, but the retail price for these is an eye watering £550 I'm told. Will see if he can get me some more info when he goes to see Evisu in next week ot so. Still, despite the price, at least it's a step towards a more authentic and original Evisu, Japan made, even if it's way overpriced. I'll be sticking to the original MiJ via proxy.


    Part of me wants to see Evisu get back to a more heritage approach, even though I don't want to see loads of people wearing it- it's for a small appreciative crowd like us who wear it regardless, not just if/when it's back in favour and in the posh shops!


    You know, there's nothing about those jeans that I think is anything special?


    That 2000 model is basically a slightly heavier version but without a red tab. Would you settle for a pair of jeans that didn't have the tab and gave you extra sweaty bollocks on a warm day? I'm not even sure why people who live in less than borderline Arctic conditions would want to wear jeans heavier than 14.5oz unless they're riding bikes in them...


  10. Damn crash you lost some weight? Second for photos of the current collection. Thanks.


    Yeah, turning 40 at the start of the year was all the motivation I needed to pick up those dumbbells again (!) and it's all slowly dropped off throughout the year. According to the tailor who handles my alterations and occasionally makes clothes for me, who has a card with my measurements, I've lost four inches off my natural (real) waist so far this year so it's not just jeans that are fitting better, but tees and shirts too. Love handles are almost a thing of the past!


    I'll get some pics up, only got four pairs of jeans and a jacket to show off these days though...

  11. Lot 2000 at the four-year (I think, fairly certain it's not five) mark, backdrop courtesy of TK Maxx. Apologies for the mobile pic:




    The jeans actually fit me better now than ever, proper having a renaissance of CTB-lovin'.

  12. These are my Yamane Deluxe Lot 00 I bought off Ben awhile back. Snapped a photo about 1 month in and now after approx 1 year of wear with a couple of washes.









    Quoted in full because they're worth it!


    These will look amazing mate, you gotta be chuffed to fuck with how these are turning out. Irony is, these would probably fit me like a glove now, hah!







    No.1 Special Lot.2000 (red/white selvage), fit definitely not as good as b_F, but it does grow on me...

    (went up 2 for it) , going into the next rotation after the Ooe competition is done.



    The fit is fine, you'll see that the profile changes after a bit more wear and clings a bit closer to the body.

  13. Nice Photo collection, but i believe that you cant wear same shoes for more than 6 months, you get fed up. Anyways they are very nice,


    Shoes are like clothes, wear them each and every day and they'll deteriorate a lot quicker than they might otherwise. And that includes denim...

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