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Posts posted by CrashTestBrummie

  1. They have a Evisu Deluxe print on the inside left pocket, with the serial number and a red stamp. Can't see what the red stamp is of though, as all the detail has been washed out by the hot soak.

  2. Of the thousands of items DoM has ever sold, I've only heard of ONE item being fake and it was a mistake (wasn't intentional or anything, believe it just slipped by him). Buyer got a refund right away. I'd trust him with my money. And I actually was thinking about buying that exact pair...but the no belt loops wasn't cutting it for me.

    What he said about the belt loops. Or lack thereof.

    Most importantly Calvin, what's the quality of the denim like? Surely that's the most important thing, no?

    (Oh, and if it's any consolation, mine have NO 'Deluxe' buttons. I seem to be coping with this, though... :) )

  3. let it stack.

    I concur

    help me please guys? i neeed some info on these jeans...and maybe a recommendation of one which i should get if yall want. i'm a true size 40 waist.


    is it no.1 no.2? will they shrink? and if yall know..are they gonna br larger or smaller than tagged size?


    is it no.1 no.2? will they shrink? and if yall know..are they gonna br larger or smaller than tagged size?


    is it no.1 no.2? will they shrink? and if yall know..are they gonna br larger or smaller than tagged size?


    is it no.1 no.2? will they shrink? and if yall know..are they gonna br larger or smaller than tagged size?

    All of them should be pretty near tag size, and with little shrinkage.

    First pair are 'Deluxe', neither No.1 or No.2, fit something like this:


    All the rest are No.2, and the second pair will fit something like this:


  4. ^^They shrunk and then they stretched out to 36W again, with no inseam shrinkage at all. Fit pix are further up the thread.

    Kinda regretting buying them in a way, as they're a lovely pair of jeans but ultimately too large on the waist, especially as I'm doing my damnedest to get back to a 32/33.

    Not sure what to do with them...

  5. Thanks Chicken and the standing jeans idea is a great one! I was trying to think of another fancy way to take pic's of my jeans but nothing intriguing has come to mind yet.:confused:

    Skydiving - get the person who jumps out before you to turn in mid-air and get some pictures of wind-stressed crotch fade at 10,000 feet (no homo).

  6. Most jeans stretch about 1-2 inches after 30 days of wear.

    My 0331s shrunk about an inch after soaking and then stretched back to tag size after a week or so. Lost about an inch on the leg though (despite them being sanforised), so although they look more 'fitted' I'm not going to get great stacking on them. Still happy with them, though.

  7. Calvinc - those are the pair that CTB bought, I'm still waiting on the seller to provide measurements for me on a pair of W40 of that same jean.

    Nah, didn't like the lack of belt loops on that design. Mine are slightly different. And I'm quoting myself here, as the original got caught in the crossfire a while back...


    Second soak for the jeans ^^^, gave them a further two hours in the tub, using near-boiling water for the first hour. No shrinkage to speak of (still 36 x 34 so will be needing a belt with these). Wore them wet for a long walk through the urban jungle and by the time they'd dried, the creases were set in stone (as were my genitalia!) - don't think you could get the stacks this hard if you used some fucked-up uberstarch. Comfy as fuck though...

    Tried to capture the feel of the denim, on a moody English summer's day:




    One day of wear, and I'm thinking everything else can wait this year...

    They got their first trip to the pub last night...


  8. Second soak for the jeans ^^^, gave them a further two hours in the tub, using near-boiling water for the first hour. No shrinkage to speak of (still 36 x 34 so will be needing a belt with these). Wore them wet for a long walk through the urban jungle and by the time they'd dried, the creases were set in stone (as were my genitalia!) - don't think you could get the stacks this hard if you used some fucked-up uberstarch. Comfy as fuck though...

    Tried to capture the feel of the denim, on a moody English summer's day:




    One day of wear, and I'm thinking everything else can wait this year...

  9. ^^Wounded for ya fella, hate it when you wait for something that you really want to be just right and things don't work out...At least they sorted it for ya, above and beyond the call of duty...

  10. Oh definately, don't forget though that it'll hang better when it softens up too, at the moment it like being wrapped in tinplate !

    Hehehe if they're anything like mine then you may need to soak them for longer than I did - these are going in the bath again today as they're still bulletproof, plus I think there's some more shrinkage to get out of the way.

    Last thing I want is to wear these for a while, wash them and then find that they weren't shrunk properly...

  11. Holy shit, $150 USD? He's asking for $700 USD =O I've been eyeing those pairs DoM has for sale for a while now, but kept thinking he wasn't going to accept anything less than like $400.

    He accepted my offer straight away, and they arrived yesterday - superfast shipping.

    Came in at less than £100 inc. shipping - you'd pay £180 for No.2 Heritage here...

    Edit: think they'll need to be soaked for longer, as they've barely shrunk. I really want to loose some waistage, but I love the legs as they are...

  12. When you're new to all this, but read the whole thread in one go and realise that you've done a whole heap of the things people have posted already...

    When you live 26 floors up, and get into the habit of going up the stairs, two at a time, because you KNOW it's going to be worth it!

    When you go to the gym at 9am on a Saturday so no one can see you doing a session in your jeans to get them soaked and creased.

    And when you do the same on a weekday night, when it's busy, 'cause you just don't care...

  13. Is this $150 USD or pounds? I assume pounds...?

    Incorrect assumption, my friend, USD all the way! That's why I'm grinning like a Cheshire cat - these (or ones very similar) were retailing in the UK for £500 at Oki-Ni...

    And yeah Tekrah, I'm feeling them...will know in a bit about London so I'll PM you then matey :D

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