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akuma no uta

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Posts posted by akuma no uta

  1. i guess i sized up. since a 33 would have been perfect and theyre a 34, and haha, no dude, ive been rocking that sunn hoddie since i bought it, did i meet you while i was in NY to buy them?

  2. as much as i love alot of visvims stuff, i do gotta agree their starting up the hypebeast machine with all these collabs. seriously. the shoes are good enough on their own, they dont need hypexhypexhype attatched to them to sell the fuck out of stores.

  3. Clean vocals are where its at. Hardcore needs less fags screaming and more hard dudes repping vocals like Life of Agony and Biohazard.

    i dont mind clean vocals, the dude from blacklisted just sounded like some lame lynyrd skynyrd bullshit.

    were you there at the beginning when let down was on? they were kinda terrible. at the beginning of each song the guy would be like "this song is about dumb fucking assholes" "this song is about assholes who piss me off" dumb shit like that, there was only maybe 30 people in there for them though.

    as as for ruiner, absolutely nothing wrong with them, one of the most fun bads I've ever seen. can't wait to see them at artspace next month

    and the guys who were helping set up for ruiner, one guy had on some skulls and another had on apcs

    yeah dude, from the very beginning, sunn hoodie, supreme cap and samurais on, and yeah, ive seen them a few times, kinda bland and every song was about being straight edge hahaha, ruiner are great and ill deffff be hitting up that artspace show man, you goin for trash talk next week?

    are you fucking kidding? blacklisted was the only bad part of the show? southern style singing? blacklisted is hands down one of the top bands right now. and that "lame ass southern style singing" a lot of bands do, listen to life of agony and get twisted... I can't believe some of you kids.

    blacklisteds my favorite band next to rise and fall. just because you can't mosh to them like you mosh to ceremony, doesn't mean they're bad.

    its not about moshing, i just dont dig their music, thats all, i do dig rise and fall, theyre pretty fucking crushing, i just cant dig on blacklisted, never have been able to, and this is like the 5th time in 4 years that ive seen them.

  4. i finally got a pair of 610s' since 2nd fucked up my order then canceled and blah blah blah, got em from big, im diggin the denim, and the fit from the knee up, but not how flared the look at the bottom. ill post pics tonight ig i can get ahold of a camera.

  5. I saw blacklisted, ruiner, have heart and ceremony tonight. shit was too fun. first time seeing have heart in a while

    haha i was there too, dude from have heart was rocking pbjs, and i asked him about sufu and he loves it but doesnt post. it was a pretty alright show, tons of stagediving and singing along, and yeah, blacklisted was the only bad part of the show, blah, what the fuck is up with the lame ass southern style singing? fuck that dumb shit.

    and on ruiner, when most hardcore bands are full oh dumb bullshit lyrics about "staying true" or "keeping it posi" its alright to have a band that plays pretty fuckin fast and just has good honest lyrics, robs a decent dude, and theyre are a good band. no match for ceremony though haha, hands down best current hardcore band, fuckin ross "their lead singer" looks just like morrisey

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