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akuma no uta

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Posts posted by akuma no uta

  1. DSCN0228.jpg




    fit pics of the 610s for the guy who just said the 610s are the best. just posted these like 5 pages back, but i guess its too hard for some people to hit back. size 34, soaked and washed twice hot water, hemmed 2 inches before first soak.

  2. Its about as stiff as a pair of raw sugarcane jeans, but its not uncomfortable in the least, and it softens up with wear. If you like the CPO at all, there is no reason other than lack of funds or living somewhere where it is too hot for an 11oz shirt to not buy it immediately.

    thats it right there haha

  3. haha just lock your door :P

    I feel sorry for my black imperial ;[, hardly any wear lately.

    haha mine too, i bought some sammies, and now my sexi04s are just laying around being sad that the crotch is almost blown

  4. i havent seen any of our favorite nipponese sufu brands worn for 2 straight years or more that havent been gawk-worthy.(regardless of wash regimen). a lot of denim masters will say that a year's wear is just getting started. miki tsujita says his jeans are best at the 5-year mark. the slowest-to-fade denim usually produces the best fades if the dedication is put in...burn those cursed nudie booklets!!!

    quoted ofor mad truth. this cat is like a fuckin monk of denim

  5. I know I have been actively seeking advice on the samurai's thread, but im closing up on buying 0500xx

    so what's the sizing for these?

    what are the pros and cons of sizing down one?

    and stay true to size?

    just do it. size down one for thinner legs, true for comfy waist. its not that hard to figure out dude

  6. cause i couldnt fit my whole legs in the shotsw, liking them alot more now, hot washed and then soaked again cold rinse, spin cycle, and then in the dryer high heat til 90% dry now wearing







  7. just washeds mine, waiting for the dryer to stop, aftefr weaqring them nonnstop for nearly 36 hours being outside and sweaty and working and such they smelled so bad, eh, like 40 something days straight so far, so a wash might be a good idea for the strength of the denim

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