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akuma no uta

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Posts posted by akuma no uta

  1. ^^ Thanks, but I meant just the red tab, to sew onto my jeans.

    its impossible, unless someone on here would give you one, i emailed samurai about it and they said theyd like to help me out, but it would be breaking the levis agreement

  2. We need either a Samurai sizing thread, or people need to ask these questions in the "How do jeans fit..." thread.

    COTTON DUCK...Please help.

    cosigned. can people not read anymore?

  3. For me the first scary film I saw when I was 8 was The Fog. Watched Ringu before the hype and even more scary on VHS tape and that blew me and scared the shit out of me. However, my all time favourite has to be the Shining followed by Ringu.

    Most overrated horror film for me would be the original Wicker Man, and the Saw, Hostel crap.

    the wicker man is great, and the saw/hostel crap i have a hard time even putting them in horror anymore, but a genre of their own, all i know is they are fucking enjoyable to watch.

  4. DSCN0080.jpg

    crappy self shot fit pic


    crotch blowout about to occur.

    not much wear on these, have had them since may and i dont wear them hard at all, i didnt really want them to fade much, the solid black just lookd so nice

  5. i love the saw films, absolutely great, but mostly i dig early 90's/late 80s slasher flicks, and campy 70s flicks. but for serious, last house on the left and cannibal holocaust own nearly every movie made since then.

  6. OKay I'm with you on that "good is good" stuff...but everytime I hear a band on Deathwish Inc. (and most of the modern day, big boy names), they sound VERY cleanly recorded...I don't know if it's just the fact that the label is forcing all of the bands to (over)master everything or they just go for bands who do that fancy recording stuff (maybe discounting Ceremony...though I really have no idea what label they're currently on...nor have I heard the latest album...for some reason I thought they had something to do with Deathwish).

    I dunno if it's the same fucking engineer who loves compressing the shit out of each member of the band...or just the use of modern day digital (Pro Tools) recording applications...but it sounds "too produced" to me.

    That being said, I like the more off-kilter riffage and song structure they pull out...just wish they recorded all of that on a Tascam analog 4-track or went to Don Fury's.

    That being said (again), when I listened to Cursed for the first time, I couldn't help but love it. Not only were the band and vocals up my alley (no gay)...but the studio cuts had a very raw quality to 'em. It wasn't OD lo-fi analog (which can be terrible as well), but it had that classic warmth to it.

    "Said bands" as in Trash Talk and Modern Life... or Cursed and the other Chris Colohan related bands?

    most deathwish bands are recorded by kurt ballou from converge, or at least partially mixed and/or mastered by him, and he has a very distinct recording stle of suoper noisy buy somehow clean. its not a bad thing, does sound a bit polished, but trap thems recordings kill.

    and ceremonys first 7" and their 1st lp were released by malfunction records that was bought by jake bannon of deathwish. they are now on bridge 9, and they dont have the supernoisy/clean sound to them on the new lp, check it out, its very crossed out influenced.

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