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ms. sally

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Posts posted by ms. sally

  1. wasnt into it. It takes a lot for me to not like a show.

    I'm hopeful but the fact that they just glossed over his rise to money and fame again is pretty lame.

    Too much cheese in this episode and Ari was under par. Plus Gary Coles character being big shit was way too soon as well.

  2. On that other forum I post on, they have already surmised from the above two shots, that they are in fact Authentics and Half Cabs.

    How from 2 heel shots this can be done I dont know.

  3. ^ the kitchen.

    i agree. that brunch is nothing special. Its the same salty taste like any other big places (cheesecake factory).

    One of the best brunches I had was at Prune in nyc. More interesting and tasty!

    That is bizarre. If they did it on purpose, it seems like a good way to get the inside cold. If on accident, then why not just flip it over?

    Prune has always treated me well. I'm a sucker for a Dutch Pancake and they make a good one. They also have a fried oyster omelet with a remoulade and powdered sugar which is real tasty.

    Joe Doe down the block is also worth checking out. The food is always solid and there is never a wait due to Prune being the top pick.

  4. if you're a size large, nyc store is ripe right now. lotta good stuff on hand.

    looks liek the sale really wiped out a bunch of stock, pretty hard to believe they'll have enough stuff left to last through the rest of summer

    For real? Is XL cashed?

  5. Every so often in the beginning they had UK exclusives which was nice. Other than that they weren't really carrying anything you couldnt get within 5 blocks.

    They made that Olympic, sporty looking t-shirt which I liked. They somehow always managed to employ 2 dicks for every 3 that worked there.

  6. How is Hawaii's retail like?

    ...... needs to be sold where there are Asian immigrants/FOBs.

    Admittedly my knowledge of the visvim customer is limited, so I go with the stereotype of wealthy asians and whites and newly visiting asians as their customer base.

    Hawaii generally attracts all 3.

  7. outside of what the brands have done with supreme, i've never paid attention to wtaps/nhbd. However since 07 friends would say that they were to open in nyc.

    Visvim isnt my thing either. They make a cool shoe but the perception of value is always lost on me. I think they could make a run at a US store. Perhaps not here. Maybe LA or SF. If you want to really consider Hawaii as a state, then there too.

  8. It's been said that both nhbd and visvim were to open stores in NYC. Perhaps with Union going, this will become a reality. If it were, wouldnt be surprised if James Jebbia and Mary Anne Fusco were somehow involved, which would explain willingness to close Union.

    However Union could always move itself as opposed to closing, no?

    edit: doesnt Commissary carry NHBD and Visvim?

  9. not cuban, so i'm not 100% up but isn't the 4 pockets the whole point of the guayabera?

    Also these need to be more co-signed by the cities dope fiends. The longish sleeves cover the tracks and the those low pockets are great for casually producing a bag from ones person.

    *edit: speaking about the real ones not Supreme's more tailored, less Hispanic versions.

  10. I've seen the show from season 1 to current. As much as I enjoyed seasons 1-2 and at times wish that it would revert back to that light hearted subject matter, I just accept that if I was a pot dealing mom, who laid down with the mexican mob for protection, this is probably where I would end up too. While it is just weed, the selling of it can be far from roses.

    While the show is a little darker, the story is plausible enough. If the writers hadn't changed it up, Weeds would have just become a sitcom which doesn't strike me as Showtimes style.

  11. ^^ I think it was more about keeping its shape. He claimed that if you wear it before the first wash, it will stretch and then shrink weird.

    He obviously takes his tee game so sincere.

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