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rockon99 last won the day on May 1 2023

rockon99 had the most liked content!


448956 if only we could all be as popular as this person

1 Follower

About rockon99

  • Birthday 10/02/1989

Profile Information

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  • biography:
    it's love
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  • talents:
    coffee, trombone, photoboi
  • occupation:
    coffee & wine & bikes
  • denim
    size 33
  • t-shirt
  • shoes
    us 9 uk 8.5 eu 43 jp 27

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  1. Dear Mr inconsiderate runner guy, I understand that cars must stop at crosswalks when pedestrians are presented, but when you come sprinting out of the bushes and and run across the street when I have no more than 20 feet to stop for you, I don't feel obliged to stop for you. You are probably worried your heart rate will get lower, or you won't be able to excersise your pedestrian rights. You have to understand that my car weighs considerably more than you do, fitness-man, and that your pett...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. redX


      have tehy not heard of this new technology called a car? it is far superior to the way of the walk

    3. Lilt


      maybe you wouldn't need a car if you lived in a city and not the suburban wasteland

    4. akuma no uta

      akuma no uta

      I live in the 2nd biggest city in north America and i use a car daily.

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