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Posts posted by givemefive

  1. ^Just off the top of my head though, aren't the raws also 38 inch inseam? The dollar is weaker as well...increased pricing all around...

    They are 39 and they shrink to 36 which is same as o/w

    I believe the price was increased because the raw stock was the last stock to be refreshed and it seems like every time he gets new stock in he increases the prices a bit. (Evidenced by Warehouse and Eternal, probably others)

  2. i never understood the whole sugar cane raw vs one wash thing....

    if u buy sugar cane raws....u have to soak them right? thus making them one wash. sooo like other than to aid in sizing whats the difference?

    The one wash from SC is really harsh and makes the denim really soft.

    You won't get very contrasting fades.

  3. Sizing:

    As far as the sizing on the Momotaro 0701 our size chart is accurate if

    following our measuring guide, each pair will measure differently so there

    is always a chance they'll measure slightly smaller or bigger than posted

    measurements. If you're a size 32 in the Skull Black 5010 size 32 then you

    may consider the same size 32 in the Momotaro 0701.

    I just received my pair and they measured 32" although they were really stiff so it was hard to see anything but 15.5" until I used my three hands to align the waist band and measure.

    That is what I was expecting from the Context Clothing measurements so I'm good to go. They are soaking right now. The denim is a bit slubbier than I would have expected from pictures and they are extremely stiff from starch. My hands are a bit sticky from touching the water from the soak.

    They fit snug on the waist pre soak. The denim is somewhat sanforized and only shrinks 1" in the waist at max. I put a board in the waist for the soak to minimize shrinking in that area. I was concerned they would be too tight in the thighs for what I was going for if they fit on the waist but I think I lucked out and after a soak they should be perfect.

    I'd bet the water is around 55-60 C.

  4. Damn these jeans ended up fitting very well, i almost wish we could make this fit a permanent style...

    I came in and tried these on and even though they weren't the style I was looking for I found them to be very flattering.

  5. I ran into people saying this when frequent crotch blowouts were happening in the warehouse contest. I didnt buy it. I especially didn't buy it when people posted pictures that showed how little fabric was attached in the inseam.

    That's an issue with construction unfortunately and it turned me away from the brand.

    Sure - a jean may not be meant to be worn tight. But at the same time if it can't hold up to being worn tight and another can, wouldn't you choose that jean no matter how tight you end up wearing them?

  6. Damn. Not used to seeing this hue on jeans. That's pretty crazy. And you can tell it took a long ass time, and a beating to get it to fade like that. Damn. And it's still darker than most jeans. Damn. I really want a pair.

    I'm not sure. It can't be too long. The pocket thread and crotch are 100% intact.

    or if it is super long... :D

    or they fixed it all before posting pictures

  7. whats with all the lazyness........

    There's not more than 3-4 examples of 6month+ wear to Ironheart 301s.

    Denim fits quite different at raw no wear vs 6 month and I was asking people to snap some (new) shots for me.

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