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conqueror last won the day on November 21 2023

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729493 if only we could all be as popular as this person

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  1. thanks - gave this a shot and they replied the next day. anyway, it looks like there are two versions of the 0105 wide - now i'm confused, especially since the measurements seem literally identical. i was looking at getting the second link. https://bears-tokyo.myshopify.com/products/fullcount-0105xx-loose-straight-heavy-oz-ルーズストレートヘビーオンス?pr_prod_strat=e5_desc&pr_rec_id=2f2fba224&pr_rec_pid=4996331667515&pr_ref_pid=4996136763451&pr_seq=uniform&variant=34024020869179 https://bears-tokyo.myshopify.com/collections/full-count/products/fullcount-0105-loose-straight-ルーズストレート?variant=34023282245691 edit: i'm an idiot, one is heavier than the other.
  2. damn - well i'm not going to order from them if they won't even reply to me. the search continues!
  3. so i've emailed bears twice in the past fortnight with no reply. anyone contacted them recently?
  4. i want to try a pair of WIDE 0105s, but i'm torn between a 34 or 36 as i won't be able to make a return. do they stretch much and are bears' measurements accurate? this will potentially be my first FC purchase ever (!), so i don't have any prior experience. leaning towards a 36, although i wear a 34 in most (non-denim) trousers. edit: on that note, i assume bears' is the best place to buy them? i've ordered from bears before, but it was a few years ago now.
  5. i live in australia and pretty much exclusively wear either patagonia baggies (5", also great for the beach), cut-off dickies 874s, or gramicci g-shorts in summer. i also have a pair of patagonia cord shorts that i like a lot, but i've gotten too fat for. would be open to trying something by orslow or maybe buzz, although i can't really stomach the (significant) additional cost as i get older. edit: wow, sassafras is a blast from the past. i bought a pair on my second ever trip to japan (2009) and immediately destroyed them while jumping a fence on my return to australia haha.
  6. learn to read imbecile. peak in terms of sheer popularity and exposure; not quality of design.
  7. the exact same thing that happened with the vis fanbase a decade ago has finally dawned on the acronym fanbase. errolson (like hiroki) started out as a 'purist' designer; as the years have passed and their success/exposure increased, they have essentially become a capitalist at heart and a designer as a secondary function. nothing really wrong with this, but nerds on message boards won't be your primary concern when john mayer and his ilk can instantly fund your next vintage porsche by buying out your entire collection in one swoop. the key difference between the two labels is visvim does/will always have significantly more long-term widespread appeal (both in niche fashion circles/subcultures + wealthy albeit uneducated mass-market clientele, noting the pricing for both prevent true mainstream saturation) than acronym based on their visual identity, garment patterns, and materials used; particularly in terms of crossover with more 'senior' and/or female consumers. this is why someone like errolson can't really afford to disregard his diehard followers entirely like hiroki can; they provide a crucial financial buffer as the height of acronym's popularity gradually fades away (noting the peak has already been reached and arguably occurred two years ago).
  8. yeah, i'm 6'1/186cm and definitely feel their OW inseam is too long even for myself. my wrecking crew overalls are cuffed 4x because i'm too lazy to get them taken up properly.
  9. i have a five month year old daughter and never really even considered this. wouldn't a toddler etc find jeans to be super uncomfortable? i'm definitely not planning on getting her anything denim (nor expensive while she's growing so quickly), although her mum might be keen on some (pink) overalls...
  10. you need to be way more specific than 'any shops and/or denim-related things i should know about'; even the list for individual wards within tokyo alone can be extensive.
  11. drake's OCBDs are amazing, but the pricing is absolutely insane (even for MiE). i personally can't stomach paying rrp for them.
  12. conqueror


    i should have said it wasn't my photo. the book is a man and his watch by matt hranek.
  13. conqueror


    I’m an indigo dyer and farmer. My hands and arms are immersed in an indigo dye every day. This G-Shock was white originally. My friend who was doing a Casio promotion gave it to me and was curious to see what would happen if it was repeatedly submerged in the dye. It’s a strong watch, and waterproof. After two years, it had turned this amazing indigo color. Much better than the original! Several G-Shock owners noticed my watch and sent me their watches to be dyed, so we made a few customer examples, too. As I explained to them, if you wash the watch in enough clear water, the dye will come out of the plastic and it will be white again.
  14. i wear the gramicci loose taper pant a lot in (australian) summer when shorts aren't appropriate; might not be popular with superdenim bros, though. stan ray sateen fatigues are even more lightweight and half the price of orslow etc.
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