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Posts posted by illumin8em

  1. .

    there was a grumpy black bear in the area yesterday so I went to set a trap


    It must have stuck to the paved roads, because all I found was evidence that not all turkeys perished for the sake of this past thanksgiving. This fella was all alone, tracked him for half a mile but I wasn't dressed well enough to follow where he was taking me



  2. .

    Today it was above freezing for the first time in a few weeks (10F - 57F) so I tried to take advantage of it.

    This is my home

    (edit) sorry for that blurry first one, it is supposed to be a gif but I can't get it to work




    In the first two photos I am standing in Civil War trenches dug by the Union Army.


  3. .

    hope this is ok, while sorting photos for my first Durrty Dozen +2 post I found a whole batch of photos from my time with the Stripes and figured I'd post few

    there is definite fading, but it is really hard to capture





    baby stripes


    baby photographer


  4. .

    called the shop yesterday and had a chat with a friendly chap Crosby. He informed that the Engineer jacket and the Blacksmiths are the next to get stock/restock. It'll be a possible 6 weeks for more of the Ranch Hand if you are interested. I'm bummed, I think this will be perfect for late February here, but pleases because there will be restock. Thought had missed the train.

  5. .

    since the weather has been slightly above freezing here for a week or two I have had the chance to wear something lighter. I am finding that I no longer fit in what I had before winter. Its a shame, this wasn't easy to find. This jacket is practically water proof.



  6. I don't think I'm next, but send me a PM if no one else ends up contacting you. Great pictures, bud.

    I think I will send them off to you Friday.

    If someone believes they were next but didn't speak up when I asked last, make some noise

  7. Just ordered a pair of the Pointer Brand "Fisher Stripe" (herringbone) work pants. Should be interesting to see what arrives, given how bad the photos are on the Pointer site.



    this fella has a pair, no fit picks, but they look decent. I asked him about sizing a few months ago, and he said tts, or size up, but all the info i have gotten previous was to go down in size at least 1, maybe two if you are skinny. I have been hung up on getting a pair for over a year now.


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