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Posts posted by breams

  1. Yeah it's customary but I don't know anyone who gets more than a couple bucks thrown their way. Back when I was a kid I got coins in those things. Depends on the family I guess.

    My old gf though gets enough money from otoshidama (which is like the Japanese equivalent of the red envelope) to cover for a trip back to Japan and buy clothes and shit, so I don't know if there's any rules on the amounts.

  2. The opening of the flood gates of people at exactly 10am this morning...

    These were the ones that camped out to be first to get in..


    I like the people dragging their kids and saying that they're already "late", 12s after the gates opened haha...

  3. whats good wit tim hortons

    someone from canada explain

    Old people like it because they don't have to make any difficult decisions when ordering coffee. They are open late. Canadians like to endorse Canadian businesses (though Tim Hortons is owned by Americans I believe).

  4. Speaking of which... being a skinny fucker, I need a slim peacoat. Recommendations? I haven't had much luck yet.

    Could get one of those Inapt pea coats that were floating around a while ago, but I'm doubtful it'd cut it for a Toronto winter.

  5. ^ Had always thought you were Korean.

    I remember when Koreans used to wear a crapload of Fubu, so I can kinda see a tie in...

    Back in school I always thought sweater vests, washed out jeans, baseball hat and loafers when I thought of Koreans, but now I think of the girls that are always trying to be over-dramatic about everything and are sometimes kind of hot.

  6. you know that feeling when everything is fine with the lady, and then this random thought comes into my head. this is boring, break up now with no reason, other than everything is totally fine.

    its totally illogical.

    I get that too. Not sure if it's because things are boring and I want something new in life or if it's since if things are good, it'll lead to marriage (and I'm not ready for marriage).

  7. I hit the Warehouse party with some friends from Onzieme in Osaka as well as some of the model crew. It was a good time although not as crowded as the last time the same cast of characters played at Unit. I'd say only about 70% full at Warehouse which was a bit surprising. Music and the scene were both good. Saw Verbal, Dex, RMH and some others before leaving with model bleazie to hit up her friends at New Lex (which was entirely predictable: drunk Estonian girls and terrible Djs).


    I hate Lex, but my friends are there a few times a week to pick up the trashy ghetto hostesses and Eastern Euro girls there. I actually think they just have CDs and the DJ isn't doing anything up in that box cause they're always playing the same shit whenever I've went - either way it's just a terrible experience.

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