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Posts posted by breams

  1. Back on the food to the homeless topic, I remember I was out buying a birthday cake with my girlfriend at the time and a young homeless guy stopped us asking for food. My girlfriend got all excited (she was a fob) and gave him some pastries from the bakery that we bought for ourselves. Guy looked in the box and went "Mmmmm..." then stared at us for a few second and then asked us for money.

    The worst are the young kids running around in pointy shoes and the Ed Hardy shirts asking you for change for the bus or a phone call.

  2. I know bunch of azn parents that brag about their kids to the max. then my parents say shit like, "why aren't you like that boy ____ who wakes up every morning at 4 to walk 3 miles and climb a cliff to go to school? and also he has straight A's unlike your pathetic ass"

    and half the shit the azn braggers say isn't true, but the humble azn parents hella buy into that shit

    fuck society

    Yeah, and we grow up hating those kids.

  3. hmm maybe replace Asian with Chinese

    mum always taught me to finish my plate. a grain of rice left in the bowl is a pimple on your ass..something like that..tall tales.

    With my family it was a pock mark on your wife's face. Ain't no one gonna care about pimples on your ass (well, actually I would to be honest...).

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