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Posts posted by breams

  1. It's all great but I still really want the hood jacket the guy's wearing in the first pic.

    I bought that a few weeks ago - great jacket, one of my favorites now :)

  2. yes.. fuck toronto.. although im very interested in going to sydney just to try shit on when they get their new stuff in..

    i just found that HSBC has a 4.75% interest promo going on from feb4-may2 (interest of 4.75% will be applied during those 3 months).. and has a regular interest of 3.7%..

    There's also a savings account at PC Financial that has 3.75% interest on balances of over 1000$ - which isn't a lot of money. Get a chequing account with them while you're at it, feel like a cheapass when using your debit card, but save money with no transaction fees :cool:

  3. I miss the video game Shenmue for the dreamcast.

    I really want to play it right now and collect some toys in the game haha.

    fuck them for not coming out with Shenmue III and putting the project on hold indefinately. :(

    "I see..."

    "Tell me more."

  4. ^^^

    why bother....lets just say ive never had a problem with women here in hong kong/china

    anyway i admit this thread has been a total mockery of myself, self caused...but in response to datasupa's comments, that's EXACTLY the issue i have with this. People say i look funny on here, have odd body proportions, when honestly i have ONLY heard the opposite from pretty much anyone i've come in contact with in reality.



  5. the bottom line is, regardless of what some peons on a message board say about my supposed 'funny looks', fuck it, i'm HAPPY with the way i look. If you asked me, "how about i give you a million bucks so you look like ME" ('me' being any of the posters who are attacking me), i'd tell you to go fuck yourself in the ass with an AIDS infested dildo. I look like a fucking million bucks every time i step out. I'm happy with where my life is headed right now, and honestly i don't NEED to come online to defend myself to these people.

    Just saying that we've been here before already.

  6. Ken, yeah, there are girls like that that will try and guilt you, so that you'll still hang out with them and so that they still have you wrapped around their finger. The "officially not cool with you" thing sounds like a last-ditch effort to make sure you realize you're apparently not pulling your weight in order to hang out with her. Also, some girls just don't seem to realize all the things that you do for them that don't have a price tag attached to them. Better off without them.

    hellogoodbye, I like whitney, cause she reps me from time to time and seems nice enough. So... basically she's bought me with green. I'm ok with this.

  7. Living your life out the way you don't want to, but aren't due to whatever reasons (financial, social expectations, etc.) Fear is being when you hit 30 or whatever milestone in your life and thinking "This is not how I'd like to have done things."

  8. i fucking hate those RAF simmons boots with the fucking zippers andnshit

    anyone who buys thsoe needs to zip shut their asshole

    because they dotn deserve to shit anymore


    And keep feedin' em, and feedin' em, and feedin' em and feedin' em...

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