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Posts posted by breams

  1. I might try it for a night and see if I like it. A hostel wouldn't be bad, I think I want to mix it up with nice hotels, hostels, and crashing at friend's places where I can. Thanks for the input.

    I'd say to try it for a night where you plan to stay out late in the area just for the experience, but not more than that. The time I went to one, it was filled with drunk snoring businessmen that sounded like they were about to choke in their sleep and other drunk businessmen passed out in the washroom. If you think regular Japanese walls are thin, this might be a problem as well - of course I probably stayed at the shittiest dingiest capsule hotel ever.

  2. Met up with the first girl that I dated after having not seen her in almost 10 years. We were really into each other but she moved around for school and we didn't keep in touch.

    Turns out she's been having some health problems the last few years and been generally having a shitty life (multiple surgeries, crap job, family issues, etc). Feel shitty for not being there for her during all that stuff :(

  3. Also does anyone have recommendations where to get a tattoo in tokyo?

    Try asking in the tattoo thread in superculture - a number of people there have gotten tattoos in Tokyo.

    +1 on that Transit Tokyo book. Went to a place from there last night and ended up talking with the owner all night. Was giving us free food and drinks so it ended up being pretty fun. Damn the current exchange rate though :(

  4. I want to move to a foreign land and start from scratch. I love the idea of being anonymous.

    I was just thinking something similar - would just like to quit everything I'm doing right now (even if it's something I love) and start something new.

  5. Grabbed from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V_sign

    Japan and the V sign in photographs

    One account of the V sign's use in portrait photographs claims that during the 1972 Winter Olympics in Sapporo, Hokkaidō American figure skater Janet Lynn stumbled into Japanese pop culture when she fell during a free-skate period—but continued to smile even as she sat on the ice. Though she placed only third in the actual competition, her cheerful diligence and indefatigability resonated with many Japanese viewers, making her an overnight celebrity in Japan. Afterwards, Lynn (a peace activist) was repeatedly seen flashing the V sign in the Japanese media. Though the V sign was known of in Japan prior to Lynn's use of it there (from the post-WWII Allied occupation of Japan), she is credited by some Japanese for having popularized its use in amateur photographs.[27] According to another theory, the V sign was popularized by the actor and singer Jun Inoue, who showed it in a Konica photo camera commercial in 1972.

    Heard about this from a friend before as well but it still doesn't explain how the V-sign over the mouth that girls sometimes do in Japan became popular...

  6. Hi guys,

    Realize it's out of season, but want to see if anyone has an APC duffle coat from A/W 09 (I believe it was) for sale.

    Think I'm an XS for this - but let me know the details if you're interested in letting one go.



  7. Still waiting for the lactating titties JAV from this chick, but it looks like she's now a singer. Surprised to see her playing with Hirama in this video, who's probably regretting trying to fire up a solo career nowadays.


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