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Posts posted by Kesnel

  1. Is it too late to get in on this now? I was going to add what I wanted on Tuesday, but obviously the server went down. If it's not too late I'll have:

    1. 1 x Mids

    2. Black

    3. 9.5

    4. Shipping is to the UK

    5. Email: ********* - this is the Paypal address also.

    Edit: Would it be ok for international orders to be shipped without the original box to save on shipping?

  2. 444290rescaledpic390x39ii2.png



    I'm kind of drawn towards the grey right now.

    Also, would it be acceptable to wear these with a suit? I think the shape is fine for a formal shoe, but I'm not sure if the patent leather would be too much for more formal occasions?

  3. Someone wanna proxy this for me? PM me if you can help a nigga out.

    Ditto. If anyone could help out with this I'd appreciate it. Someone needs to go and buy them all up for the purposes of distributing them on here.

  4. I'd say it's just a case of getting the sizing right on the Spring Courts. If you get your true size then they will look big because they will be too big. On the leather ones you should definitely size down one (as DJI said). My size 41 Spring Court mids are only slightly wider than my size 42 chucks. I'm told the canvas ones are more true to size, but I only own the leather ones so don't take my word for it.

    As an aside, no one buy those white mids from Blackbird; I want them. :P

  5. Is it just me, or does anyone else really dislike Sundays? I find it very difficult to get anything of worth done; right now I should be revising for my exams but I just feel too lazy to get started today. In lieu of revision there is other stuff I could be doing, whether it be necessary or merely for entertainment, but I don't feel motivated to do anything.

    Actually, last Sunday was really good as a friend of mine actually got me out and doing stuff, but most Sundays feel to me like a wasted day.

  6. We started with the 3001 cut, tapered the lower leg, changed it to button-fly, added weight to the denim (now 16oz), added military grade herringbone olive pocket bags, and a yoyo theme thick leather patch.

    I want these, badly. The cut sounds awesome.

  7. For a spring shoe, go with the YMCs. But if you're looking for an over-all shoe that will match other spring stuff? Then the Spring Courts. I've been looking for the patent plimsolls in grey. Any ideas?

    They have them at Oak in sizes 41 - 43. Asos have them in a 41 - 44, but they're in the UK so the price will be pretty extortionate in comparison to that in the US.

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