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Posts posted by Kesnel

  1. That guy on the far right is wearing the exact kind of trench I've been looking for with limited success for a while now; long, grey, no belt, double breasted, big collar. If anyone knows where I can get it, or a very similar one, I'll be so grateful.

  2. I'm not sure if anyone has posted this already (a search suggested that they hadn't), but for those with mulitouch enabled models Multiclutch allows you to assign multitouch actions to keyboard shortcuts in applications. I've been using it primarily to make touch comands available in Firefox as they are in Safari, but it works in other applications too.

  3. I'm reviving this thread as I just received this hoodie in anticipation of colder weather. I like it, nice and cozy. Note that if you are considering buying that they fit kind of roomy and slouchy in the body. Nice deep hoods though, which is good.


  4. I awoke this morning with two thoughts most prominent in my mind. When I sober up how bloody awful is my hangover going to be? What did I say last night to upset two of my best friends so terribly?

  5. It definitely depends on how it's packed and what is inside. The bag is very squishy, not really structured. The best comparison I can make for both its structure and feel is like a padded black bin bag. I like it though.

  6. The laptop space was my major concern too, but you can definitely fit in anything up to MBP size. I put mine in a laptop sleeve and it still squeezes in. I'll post some fit pictures of the long backpack a little later today if you like.

  7. I got my long shiny backpack in the post from Colette today. The material was different to what I expected; I had anticipated a sort of hard shiny plastic, but instead it is soft and flexible like a bin bag. The construction seems ok, I wouldn't say it blew me away but it's not really anything to scoff at for the money. As I'll be using it as a day to day pack I just hope it is durable in the long run. In terms of what it can hold, it is just what I was looking for from a bag that I plan to use as a university lugger; I can fit in my Macbook Pro, a folder or two, a couple of books, and still have a bit of room at the top due to the extra length.

  8. Wow, France vs. Netherlands was probably the most entertaining game so far; the Dutch are on fire. The enjoyment I had watching it almost makes up for having to see Italy draw with Romania.

  9. I filled up yesterday and diesel was £1.27.something a litre (so around £5.77/$11.23 a gallon), which is actually not a bad price here at the moment. I'm going to visit my parents this weekend and they live out in the middle of nowhere so I'll be paying upwards of about £1.30 a litre there.

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