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274688 if only we could all be as popular as this person

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    not telling
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    altostratus translucidus

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  1. Worked a bunch and now I have a “sabbatical” before my new gig starts end of month. Took a pay cut, looking to possibly go back to school again for masters in my field or I dunno, something completely unrelated (architecture, interior, etc design).
  2. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Different for me. More or less stayed same (spending), but now that I have more money (thank you grown up job) I have shifted more towards adding experiences. Parents getting older and dad has chronic illness for example. Makes me happy to be able to take them to trips overseas and pay for everything. I realize as I get older, money is just a means of exchanging services for goods and vice versa. So I consider myself a life-learner but yeah, I can afford nice stuff because I work my ass off and stay sane by balancing work with enjoying life. If I get more than 6 hours sleep, it’s a good night.
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