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Posts posted by klue

  1. Hartford denim company was well represented at the hookerday parade.

    This is Marshall, one of the jeansmakers.


    He led the pack on the 1940's tricycle.

    IMG_5506.jpg behind Marshall was 10 meters of natural indigo dyed organic selvage denim made in japan.

    On either side of Marshall there was 10 m of persimmon and 10 m or sumi dyed denim


    My mother led the sumi cloth in her hdc skirt


    I was in the back with 10 m of cone mills selvage on longboards


    Aaron rolled in the middle of the cone and Dave, the jeansmakers is holding down the end of the natural indigo


    All four rolls


    From down low



  2. Been over-thinking about how to store my denim whore collection (ie: not going to wear, just for storage/collecting purposes) and was wondering if any archival clothing experts had any tips? The biggest problem that I foresee is that raw denim has starch in it, great for bacteria to thrive. I've also read that clothing needs to breath (does this apply to denim?) and yet I just put them in air tight plastic containers which I assume isn't best over the long run...How does one go about storing raw denim for decades to come?

    Apocolypse preparations?

  3. Outside of handfeel and looking at the fabric very closely to see how tight the weave is combined with how heavy it is.. not really. Unfortunately with textiles there is no "this is how you can tell it's selvedge fabric", because there is fake selvedge which 95% of people on the forum wouldn't be able to tell the difference of even if they inspected the denim in person.

    Could you show us a close up of fake selvage?

  4. i really dont think #46 hold anything special, maybe just a better blue in his photograph but i would say that 78, 87,90, and 08 all have more beautiful wear. #46 even has cell phone fades...i wonder if gordon picked these or fullcount did

  5. our theme was 1969





    this is a kuboda we diguised to look like a hippie bus, mu brother and i did the painting


    we even had cops to oppress our hippies


    this girl is named mom and she was from the city, lived in a shitty group home and had never been to a place like vt so when she saw how many wildflowers there were she got so excited to be covered in them for the parade this is how i covered her in flowers.






    yellow sub


  6. so after this project finished up it was off to zeno mountain farm camp in lincoln,vt. ( http://www.zenomountainfarm.org/) this is a magical place in the mountains. here are some images of the treehouses they had built there






    before there were treehouses there were canvas tents and there is now only one left which me and my brother lived in with our campers. it is called the dog house and we were in the process of siding it with scrap lumber



    the days there were intense with more singing,dancing, shouting, and laughing than you could ever imagine in a day of camp. we spent a lot of time working on the two local fourth of july parades. here are some images of the parade which my brother proudly led in the stronghold jeans.



  7. so the day, the jeans arrived happened to also be the day my older brother got home. he has lost about 6 inches in the past 5 months and has no pants that fit him. so he saw these and put them on before i even saw the package. this was great for me because what i didn't know when i signed up for this is that i would be trying to break in a pair of jeans from my new denim production endevor at the same time these stronghold jeans arrived in my hands. the jeans arrived halfway through a mural project i had been working on with my brother in winstead,ct. the mural is of L.T.Stone, the man that put winstead on the map. and we are putting him on the side of a huge old building in the center of town. my uncle own this building where he opperated a motor boat repair shop but the building has a lot of history. it was built in the 1880's on a foundation that is believed to be older made of 60 foot long american chesnut timbers almost 2 foot by 2 foot. the factory used to make the world's premier casket hinges and was once a saw mill and it was powered by the river. we are discussing the possibilities of manufacturing my newest denim prodect in this building and eventually bringing back the waterwheel and gearing up some looms and sewing machines. this is a ways off.

    hgere are some images of my brother painting in the pants. (hope you guys don't mind paint marks, its just that i thought it would be good to get the pants involved with some messy projects, something that will help build a more dynamic story. when i got them it looked and felt like they had been washed by everyone and worn by noone.)





  8. it seams to me that the riveted pant was levis most innovative addition. what do you all think is the best design features post-levis for style and functionality, and durability? and what do you think could be added that hasn't been?

  9. marshal made that jacket, all by hand , in the coarse of a week, he used my fullcount tightbody anorak as the design template and opened up the arms to make it more go ready. he went through like 50 cans of zazz will sewing it and his fingers are permanantly mangled.

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