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Posts posted by newaesthetic

  1. toronto has a fair amount, but i haven't heard anything about any here in hamilton. there was one nearby that closed down a year or two ago to make room for a popeyes. there are some chain places in malls and stuff, but i really don't want my introduction to the two to be through those.

    we do have some decent places for pho and sushi. the other issue being that my family never did ethnic food other than really terrible chinese takeout, and up until recently most of my friends were afraid of trying new shit too.

  2. up until june i had never tried a cigarette.

    have never watched: a full sopranos episode, any of the godfathers, scarface, shawshank, any kurosawa movies, resevoir dogs, boondock saints.

    never went to disney or florida in general as a kid. have flown once (only from detroit to chicago). chicago is also the furthest I've been out of the country. furthest in the country is manitoulin island or montreal... not sure which.

    i've never eaten indian or japanese, both of which i want to try pretty badly :(

  3. ^the worst is when it's 2 people side by side

    especially when they're walking just far enough apart that you can't go around, but they're meandering about so that you always see brief glimpses of an opening either between or around.

    people on campus do this ALL THE TIME.

    hate: our real estate agent. the house was sold on saturday; i've got basically a month before i'm out. he's supposed to notify us about when they're bringing in a house inspector and all that. he's repeatedly not called to let me know about viewings before, and i got home today after work to find no less than 8 strangers in the house, doing the inspection without notifying any of us. rage.

  4. damn, jealous of the dip dye pickup.. how much did it end up being?

    tee was $75. there was just the one, sadly. some geller pieces might be questionable at retail, but the denim for a third of the price is an easy decision.

    for those who consider j+o peasant status, syd's is doing 50% off a bunch of his stock too. they have some new designer, can't remember the name. insane prices but the pieces are amazing.

  5. wooo that sale was awesome, got lots of opening ceremony. someone take me somewhere where a floor length black dress will be appropriate please

    imma take you to motown, pretty lady...

    who am i kidding, none of us are going out for a while now. skins made out with some nice deals, you got something for more than 90% off; worth the effort. oh, and cindy ended up getting more at the mall...

    zimmer; there were a bunch of tanks left, the wider-cut and summer weight denim, and a few oxfords all in 46 when we left. You get the petroleum denim ones? They only had a single pair and they were 46, needed a 48.

    time to pass out.

  6. that i did. was going to let him go, but he hung out for a while, didn't retreat or continue the descent. so he had to go.

    they are terrible. when we lived in the country they would randomly spawn one giant dark patch beside our garage every few summers. probably a few thousand or so. disgusting little bastards.

    only 2 more hours until i leave for toronto, still wide awake. excellent. where are the rest of the apparent insomniacs?

  7. yeah they're not a bother or nearly as frustrating as ants, but it was still a shock. almost too perfectly set up.

    now flying ants, those are on a whole other level. they receive full rage, no mercy.

  8. just yelled out "GODDAMNIT" as a spider came down from the ceiling directly between my face and the monitor. Little bastard could've picked anywhere else to do that in the room and I wouldn't have noticed.

    Of course he just hung around chillin after he got to eye level. It like he knew.

  9. bell has had a huge issue for the past week or two up here about texts not getting through. so i'm used to it as well due to their incompetency.

    I am slowly learning how to better price my market shit. Guy bought a hoodie from me for $75, lives in China... that's fine, I said shipping was included, my choice. But he was hoping for tracking. Apparently the cheapest tracking shipping from the post office was $90?! wtf. I sent by air for $33, it'll take a week and is still insured for more than the actual cost anyways. Sorry dude, but that is just insane. Maybe the women didn't know any other way, but I refuse to believe a small package should come to anything even close to that. Fucking stupid.

    3 more hours...

  10. I'm not 100% on this, but I remember people saying uniqlo's shirts fit very similar to BoO, with shorter sleeves? If anyone can confirm, I'd say go try on a BoO, and then go from there. They're already pretty damned short in the torso though. Geller oxfords are a different fit; longer so they can be tucked in, and more flattering to a larger variety of body types. Our Legacy has some good ones as well, or stick with simple APC even...

    I mention all these because if you're in Toronto you should just hit J+O this weekend and see if they've got anything for cheap you like. Don't be so fucking lazy, man.

  11. "every post of yours i've seen in the past 2 days sucks" - Clopek

    that one doesn't really address the problem, now does it?

    coming home hungry from a few drinks and wishing i had made leftovers of the delicious dinner as originally intended.

  12. i like how the only real solid rule around here is to never, ever question anything done by the higher powers.

    the cherry beer i had tonight is possibly gone soon, the owner of the bar was telling me the brewery has shut down. it was tasty. i tore my diors to an unacceptable-in-public amount, which is a bit less fun. needed an excuse to take them to get shortened though...

  13. Dexter used to be a show I couldn't miss, but I'm still playing catch up this season. Dunno why because it's been good, but yeah, start on that.

    I just watched the last episode of this season for Mad Men, and damnit, I think it's now moved past Dexter for me. It and Always Sunny are the two shows I need to watch every week.

  14. when i got a new pc and transferred my old music from one hard drive to the new one (and updated itunes), a few albums wouldn't even play. never figured out why, and they had all worked before, and still worked in any other media program. re-downloaded and it was fine again.

    stupid itunes.

  15. dinner jacket you say?

    hmmmmm... maybe I made my most recent purchase a bit too early. I was counting on there being next to nothing in 46's.

    p.s. anyone know where i can pick up the latest issue of man about town? local indigo had the last one but they didn't get #5 in.

  16. heh, my ex was telling me she loved me and wanted me the past month, while with her bf. told me she would leave him if she had a good reason, i wouldn't bite. they split up this weekend and the very next day she has a new one.

    i'm only mildly disappointed to know that now she's giving up the school pursuit and going to the well-paying job her dad was trying to hand her years ago. it was only a temporary job when i was dating her, and it encouraged a bad spending habit she couldn't curb during the school year, but i tended to benefit from it. hah.

    there's the chance to be really mean and vengeful over some shit, but it takes effort. girl has issues and now i know for sure i'll never have to deal with them anymore. if she's happy, awesome, and good luck to the next guy(s).

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