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Posts posted by newaesthetic

  1. worth their salt in what? the salt they're throwing in your game, since they are getting way more pussy than you are?

    man, you're in high school. girls will do stupid things. so will dudes. the issue you should be dealing with is the fact you want a girl who wants guys like that.

  2. you answered your own question. you bitch about other guys you view as beneath you smashing chicks you want to smash. he goes out there and smashes.

    maybe they're attracted to what you said. or maybe they're just not attracted to whatever you think you offer.

  3. do kids really think the "oh ho i have no idea who this is" works? you got duped into going to her choir thing, how much dignity we talkin here?

    cutup speaks the truth about crazies = best sex, though.

    getting back into a daily exercise regimen after a few months of nothing fucking blows.

  4. i watched it twice and i still don't really get all of it.

    i get lost after the magician disappears into the blue light.

    to me it was something like a circle. betty and rita turn into diane and camilla who had already turned into betty and rita and so forth. but then they're also two halfs of each other, maybe like parallel universes or dreamselves of each other.

    anyways, i thought synecdoche was a lot harder to watch. the beginning i felt was genius as it resonated a lot with me but then it slowly degraded into something like ulysses or kafka. i wanted to punch kaufmann halfway through the movie. i thought it was a great movie, just really hard to wrap your mind around and thus a really bad movie

    I looked at it as a circle too. The entire middle portion of the movie is a dream; Diane is coming up with a dream of how she wanted life to go with Camilla, moving things around to justify the real-life happenings. Or at least that made the most sense to me.

    Synecdoche was actually next on my list. Maybe I'll watch something else between them then; too much mindfuckery.

  5. i looked at that for way, way too long.

    all this talk from peeps in the US about it being freezing, and it makes me very anxious about the fact we're midway through January without a huge snowfall this season. Yet. I hate how winter is getting later and later here.

  6. i looked at that for way, way too long.

    all this talk from peeps in the US about it being freezing, and it makes me very anxious about the fact we're midway through January without a huge snowfall this season. Yet. I hate how winter is getting later and later here.

  7. damn, that's rough.

    180gb of porn? people download? i just stream when i need.

    in the six months of having this computer i have nearly filled the hard drive. i have 18gb left of space. all these seasons of shows and some hard-to-find movies need to be burned and then deleted.

  8. damn, that's rough.

    180gb of porn? people download? i just stream when i need.

    in the six months of having this computer i have nearly filled the hard drive. i have 18gb left of space. all these seasons of shows and some hard-to-find movies need to be burned and then deleted.

  9. not only do i have to deal with this suprise unemployed shit, but i have to deal with you and your insecurities. you say you love him, why do you still want to talk, and why tell me you still love me and want me in your life? i actually could predict where the whole conversation would go.

    you're a disease.

  10. just got back from ces; lots of 3d-hdtvs, improved phone gps, energy drinks, cbz's, etc.

    no sufu for 4days straight tho :(

    smuggle out some gran turismo plz.

    i've had the memory tapes album on repeat all night. once i'm done on the computer i want to just lay in bed with headphones.

  11. noticed it the other day; bags of chips and pretzels usually expire after a month or two. combos, which are utterly delicious, expire in 9 months. what, the filling keeps the pretzel that much longer? it's a bit unnerving.

  12. i'm heading on a trip in a few weeks and my D60's kit lens is busted. i planned on buying a telephoto and then a 1.4 or 1.8, and have a $150 gift cert for future shop. instead of the ps3 it's intended for, i'm trying to decide between these 3:




    wondering if the extra coin for the 1.4 is worth it. telephoto probably makes more sense in nyc anyways for touristy things.

  13. Children. The proper response is none. Unless you're setting her up for a good hate-smashing.

    been there. done that. was creeped out for a minute since she wished me good luck on a trip that as far as I knew, she had no way of knowing about. then forgot that last time I did do that, I had let slip I wanted to go. Still, timing was weird. Wants to meet up for lunch and give me a partially-used metro pass for when I go to NYC. Pass.

    i was thinking about introducing a girl friend of mine to sufu, but then i thought, why would a girl be interested in a mostly male fashion forum? and then i remembered there are already a few girls on here. ladies, thoughts?

    The last thing I'd want is to bring a girl who isn't already on here, that I'm interested in, into the mix. Why talk about sufu anyways?

    So... I'm supposed to see a girl on Thursday, head over and watch movies all day at her place. I feel like a loser for having to take the bus to her town, especially since she owns a car, but driving is just not another expense I could deal with right now. Can't help but think it affects peoples' ideas though.

    Just remembered it's orthodox/ukrainian Christmas that day. Supposed to visit my mom... may be late. Good thing it's just dinner.

  14. sorry about that soulp0; looking at it now the pictures probably are too saturated. must be the household lighting. seeing as how the rest of the things on sale are black or white (or very close to it with the BS), I guess anybody looking at the remaining items are getting a better idea. will double-check in the future!

    bumping this back up; trying to scratch up money for a trip coming up this month. that means i'll entertain (reasonable) offers.

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