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Posts posted by newaesthetic

  1. throwing out groceries. i hate wasting money even if it's only a few dollars. shit went bad though (which is why i usually don't keep any bread in the house).

    i see all this talk about the ads, but i usually use page down or scroll wheel when browsing, so I had to make an effort to see what the whining's about.

  2. count me as also getting in line to punch that kid in the face a bit. girl could be tolerable as long as she never spoke. ahhh, kentucky...

    i need to start writing down recipes when i'm throwing random shit together. just made a wing sauce that tasted awesome but was just grabbing things from the spice rack and cupboards.

  3. i know gossip girl has a pretty devouted following, even here, and i'll admit i've now watched every episode... but this?


    that could be anybody singing that, it literally doesn't sound like meester at all. why does every actress think they should try a musical career?

  4. I am a reasonable *example of a normal woman.
    I am a reasonable *example of a normal woman.
    I am a reasonable *example of a normal woman.
    I am a reasonable *example of a normal woman.
    I am a reasonable *example of a normal woman.


    bitch just has sand in her vagina about something. are some models taking thin too far? yes, but they're not the majority, and certainly not what the majority of men find as the ultimate attractive. she just looks like a real-life version of stewie's dad with longer hair.

    and that site set off a couple notices from my kaspersky. trojans ahoy.

  5. congrats timber!

    hmmm... my passport is not in the house. guess i packed it up for the move. good thing the trip was delayed... at least i hope it wasn't stolen by anybody who was viewing the house during the last couple months.

  6. that is cool as fuck. it's a shame halloween is only once a year. the world needs more acceptable days to dress up in costumes, having to decide between scaring people and stuff like that once a year is not fair.

  7. gah, that feeling is terrible man. it sounds like you both know what you're doing though, and its more and more rare that people are that level-headed about things. if it's for the best, things will have a habit of working themselves out right in the end.

    keep the chin up, and just find something to focus your mind on. keeping it on this will just slow you down at this point.

  8. jesus titty fucking christ. the day has arrived; an ex of mine has shown up on sufu.

    ...i was actually going to throw her in here a while ago. haha.

    i see what you did there.

    meh; because colour works better. facebook's new security settings are lax.


  9. Also, she's a MILF. Briar.




    Older, when she dyed it brown:


    jesus titty fucking christ. the day has arrived; an ex of mine has shown up on sufu.

    ...i was actually going to throw her in here a while ago. haha.

  10. the secondary cure was drinking anybody's blood who had been converted back to human. drinking your own or other vampire blood caused the mutations; if it was their own, it'd just be more accelerated.

    yeah, dumb. what a waste of sam neill.

    hmmmm. girl i sorta hooked up with a few months ago is back in town for a few days. she told me to come out tonight, but i hate going out on sundays because the town (and transport) shuts down so early. she's supposed to be coming over for dinner and a movie tomorrow anyways, and still haven't found a job, so don't really feel like spending money two nights. dunno how much it improves the situation if i go out tonight though.

    ...need to find a good easy recipe for lamb.

  11. i've never understood the vegetarian desire to make all their food look like normal meat products either. tofurkey?!

    going into a mall is bad enough. being stuck behind parents with brats that branch out in random directions, so you can never cleanly get by, is salt in the wounds.

    ...not having anymore tilapia :(. want more fish tacos.

  12. I was dragged to that last weekend. It wasn't as terrible as I expected, and the look at the economy perspective was sorta interesting, if heavy-handed. The first time that super-vamp showed up was also freaky as fuck. Good job on their noise, but I was expecting more of them.

    I'm staying in tonight because I know I have the next day or two filled with stuff, and still haven't received my final pay from the other job. Made the best meal I've had all month after stumbling into smitten kitchen, fish tacos are amazing. And now cute redhead is showing a lot of interest in another date. Win? Yes, yes it is.

  13. re: the recent woman troubles, not to anyone in particular

    occam's razor concept

    if a girl likes you and wants to be with you, she will make it evident. if she does complicated shit like flirt with other people to make you jealous, or send crazy mixed signals, or "test" how much you like her, then you should ask yourself if this is the kind of person you want to be with.

    discard all unnecessary and annoying behavior.

    just keep doing your thing and a eventually a cool chick will dig that.

    (valid for both sexes)

    I think the issue is most people don't step back and look at that behaviour for what it is. People complain about not wanting the games associated with the opposite sex, which is valid, but ask anybody and they do enjoy the chase. I wonder how much people will put up with if they're validated all the bullshit as part of the chase.

    All of this is good discussion; revive the dating thread!

    ...so happy to have food in the house again. And cinnamon toast crunch was on sale again. Today is good, even though my nose feels like it was broken and reattached last night...

  14. ^ du looks 4ft tall.

    Maybe it's just me but there's something weird about wearing a coat with lapels with a shirt without a collar. It's sort of the 't-shirt with a blazer' thing to me. Don't dig it here.

    glad i'm not alone thinking it. dunno why but it's always felt "off" to me.

  15. WOW. Dude on the right needs to buy some different denim. Shit waaaaay too slim for his proportions. Doing some weird optical illusion stuff to his posture in that picture I swear.

    don't think it's an illusion, think the shit posture is real.

    cheap's beard is epic.

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