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Posts posted by newaesthetic

  1. i know they don't matter, but i've always been confused by the grammy's and their decisions over "best new artist". what qualifies as "new"? this year mgmt and silversun pickups are new? and the ting tings?

    does not compute.

  2. i worked at zara for about a year and while some of the politics there are completely retarded, as soon as you're hired you're given a full suit, shoes, tie, belt, and two shirts. The suit is sent out to the tailor, and you any time there's a uniform change you get upgraded free of charge. Their discount wasn't great (15%), but for a cheap whatever suit, that wasn't bad. At least in Toronto, they throw some excellent staff parties too (but usually at douchey clubs). Lots of good looking girls to work with and obviously more as customers. I was the only straight guy in women's wear and somehow had a lot of shifts watching over fitting room. Fuuuuun.

    I don't understand people who hate retail jobs, they're really not hard.

  3. ^ awwwww (no point fighting it)


    jesus i wish i could've witnessed these in person. amazing. favourite part has to be around 7:40 when the 037 takes all those jumps. last rear-drive car to win...

  4. how some albums pop up multiple times in iTunes grid view. Even if every single detail for the info is identical between songs (except for the obvious track titles and numbers). No matter what I seem to do it doesn't fix it either.

  5. there's a very small stain on one of my button down shirts

    I have no oxy-clean or oust

    what can I use (besides water) to get that shit out.

    I've let something sit in a warm water + dishsoap bin for a few hours and it worked well...

    woo, couch crash tonight

  6. long lines when you need something to eat, quick, cos you're on a short break.

    the worst part is, you know that if you get tired of waiting and go somewhere else the line ends up just as big at the new place :(

  7. dear swap buddy, due to an unfortunate event today, I was not able to send out your package. It has received piece after piece, and I'll throw something else in when I take it in tomorrow. The issue? I lost my wallet last night, but luckily came home at 10 tonight to find a message on my door that a neighbour found it in the drive. Excellent.

    And whoever sent me my package, I will also be picking it up tomorrow! Excited!

  8. Been over a year, list is a bit different:

    - Another pair of CP court shoes to hide away if they ever pop up anywhere in my size. Most perfect summer shoes but I know they'll die eventually :(.

    - A peacoat.

    - Still on the hunt for a good quality black oxford, always getting sidetracked.

    - Repair Diors and APC's. Especially latter, hate not having blue jeans to wear.

    - Cloak aviator pants.

    - Silver Raf moonboots. I doubt I'd wear them all too often but I've wanted them for too long.

    - One more chunky knit for winter.

    - Lame basic sweaters for same reason.

    - Dark gray suit.

  9. I've had a blackberry since Feb. Already had it replaced once because it kept acting up in pretty appalling ways. Texting is better than an iphone, and MSN works well enough, but browsing is antiquated, and obviously Apple wins out on the app and music front. A fair amount of friends have BBs too but I have yet to use the unique messaging. It still encounters a lot of slowdown (90% of the time, saving numbers in my address book will hang it for a minute or two). Camera definitely is outdated, but I have no idea about how it might be on the current models.

    I'd say go with the iPhone. Unless you're doing a lot of business-related stuff, the BB offers too few strong points. An iPhone covers a lot more bases, and as an added bonus if you're so inclined, the games are getting more and more impressive that it's a pretty good handheld system alternative, sorta like how the Wii offers a different experience to the Sony/MS duo on the consoles.

    Oh yeah, battery life is usually better on a BB, but I've been able to kill mine in 12 hours without anything drastic. It varies by a huge, huge amount.

  10. odd that they just came up, but what's the word on Orient? I had to venture into the mall yesterday and was interested because I saw that they have a collab watch with Subaru (apparently they're sponsors of their Japanese rally team).

  11. I'm a big Vonnegut fan... But I'm finding Slaughterhouse Five to be not what I had hoped. I really like science fiction, like Arthur C Clarke's Childhood's End... But most scifi books I pick up lack the punch and emotion that I like... Does anyone have any recommendations?

    Zamyatin's We. I found it better than 1984 and Brave New World.

  12. what magazine is it? someone asked me about it but i don't know i just saw the pic on a blog

    man about town. issue's been out for a while though, eaton centre and world's biggest didn't have it when I checked, but I'm sure somewhere else must.

  13. sleigh bells needs to make the trek up here. i have been listening none stop for a while now.

    staying in on a saturday night. wanna go out, but don't want to spend money, already bored as fuck. gotta find something productive.

  14. tumblr_ktiyz4su1r1qze3obo1_500.jpg

    i kinda want hair like this, but mine is decidedly not curly. i feel like if i got a perm it could go hilariously wrong. is that a reasonable option, or whats an easier way to get that sort of texture (or whatever)?

    weird, i'm actually taking that magazine, and specifically that shoot, in to a friend at a salon tomorrow to get a cut. my hair's utterly uncurly too though so there's another cut in the set that's probably a bit better suited, y'know.

  15. I know a good sleep schedule is incredibly important, but I always think of how much time I'm wasting sleeping that could be used doing other things. Of course, then I fall asleep, over-sleep, and screw all that up.

    Really annoyed with this super-clingy girl I know. Worked with her one March Break back in high school (yes, 1 week), and ever since she has had this really awkward pushy relationship with me. Had a little personal website back then with pics of friends and stuff (hah lol), and she actually stopped a couple in a mall once when she'd see them and tell them how she knew them. When I was younger and didn't know better, I invited her out with friends 2 or 3 times hoping she'd get out of it but it still hasn't changed. She'd hunt down any music that popped up on my MSN, google any lyrics and bring up a convo about them, and just generally creeped me out with some other types of comments.

    She moved out to PEI for bible school (?!) so I thought it'd be done, but came back this summer and bugged me daily. Said I'm her closest friend, dunno why, and showed up at my work one day as I was finishing a shift to force a hangout. Wouldn't take a hint about leaving, was chatting with a new female coworker who this creeper was incredibly rude to, and now she constantly, without fail, will stalk my facebook, comment on any pic of mine, etc. Will probably call me when she's back in the country next month :-/ Everyday.

    I've tried ignoring, I've tried being nice about telling her this bothers me, I feel like I'm going to just have to be a dick, which I don't like doing. Actually, maybe writing all this might solve it, there's probably a good chance she's somehow found me on here too.

    Ugh. Needed to write that all out. Feel better now.

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