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Posts posted by percy

  1. you ever start something, then when you finished thought to yourself, "ahh, well that didnt quite turn out as i planned it"?

    damn i wish i hadnt forgot to put the razor guard on my clippers before starting my hair....

  2. i was advised to go for the samurai rather than the flathead when i was looking. i know both samurai models have a higher rise than the flathead, which i prefer.

    the 0500 is the version used in the contest they had last year and can provide great fading and has quite a slubby denim. corter has just got a pair (see samurai thread) and they look good. perhaps slightly more relaxed fit than the 710, which also has heavier denim.

    hopefully an expert can help you.

  3. i havent worn my nandos for a long time, mainly because i didnt like the way they fit. so i decided to change the shape of them, by tapering the leg from the knee and also slightly bringing in the thigh area. anyway this is how they now look. old on left, new on right.



    ps. dont be hating cos you dont have cool slippers like mine and also, the spacing on the back pockets really makes your ass look big.

  4. ive got a pair of these altama desert boots, similar to what greg showed a couple of days ago. the problem is they seem to have a toe box or something to keep the shape and when you bend your foot the edge of the box digs in right across the crease. will this subside as they loosen and are there any good ways to speed up this process?


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