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Posts posted by percy

  1. colliepark, i think you have two options; either sit in the bath and soak them whilst you are wearing, or get them dry cleaned. otherwise they will be too small for you afterwards.

    the idea for the future is generally to buy jeans that will shrink to fit your size after soaking.

  2. ive had my sam s5000vxs for like 4.5 months and ive started getting some fade action all over and im considering soaking because they are getting dirty

    is there any reason I wouldnt want to soak them? or i should worry about if i soak

    soaking/washing your jeans is fine and i do all mine every couple of months. the only reason you may not want to soak is if you didnt soak them before you started wearing and therefore didnt shrink them. in which case you are in for a surprise.

  3. yes these measure 34 inches pre-soak. i have taken a measure straight across then doubled and i have also measured the total inside area around the waist seam, both 34.

    to the person who pmed me i couldnt reply because your inbox is full.


  4. received today bought from 2nd in japan but incorrect size. tagged 34 but will shrink to fit size 32. this pair has stealth arcuates and red tab.

    it is highly probable that i will be able to send these back to 2nd for a swap to a 36 but they are advertised here in the meantime.

    for sale at price they cost me: £150 + pp from UK

    (edit: i can offer these at £130 + pp for today only or i will return. the money diff is how much it is going to cost me to return them)




    (excuse pics taken with cell phone)

  5. i am thinking that unless i can swap them at 2nd then i will have to put them up for sale on the supermarket as a size 32... shrinking from tagged size 34. could be an opportunity for someone in uk to buy with arcuates and tag as the postage costs wouldnt be much.

    looks as though big should be restocking about now too and i know i should get the proper size if i go with them, just not the arcuates and tag.

  6. hi, quick question;

    received some 710 today, which are size 34, however when trying them on they already feel quite snug around my waist and i havent soaked them yet. can anybody advise whether these heavier weight denim will shrink in the waist as much. i was told before i bought these (from 2nd) that they werent supposed to be part of the smaller batch, so i am a bit confused.

    im not going to attempt to shrink these until i get some advice.


  7. thanks for replies guys, that helps. obviously not being in a position to try them on makes the selection bit more of a gamble, but thats internet shopping for you!

    my other option being in the uk, is to go for an english shoe company, grenson etc, but i am undecided as i like the indy styling.


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