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Posts posted by percy

  1. what size are you? without stating the obvious you do know they are gonna shrink when soaked?

    i think you should expect to get at least 250 bux if they brand new. blue in green sell for about 280 something

  2. what a coinkydink, im actually wearing these today. i did the tapering myself and i prob took them in a total of about 1.5-2 inches at the hem and graduated up to the knee/thigh.

    just took them off and shot a couple of pics with my webcam to show you.



  3. im actually getting the 36. i had the choice but thought i would be safe. im not sure why to be honest.. but its done now.

    my main problem is that since i stopped doing sports i have lost all my muscle in my legs. that combined with my new layer of fat around my waist make for baggy jeans. luckily i have a huge cock to fill some of the space:rolleyes:

  4. im a 34. the size that came were 34 presoak, but i decided to exchange cos im fat and prefer not to have a tight waist. only thing is i will lose out on the slimness of the legs by going up.

    fuck it.. will have to buy something else to make me feel better

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