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Posts posted by heBAY

  1. LoLifes created a movement...

    Fucking cocksuckers with their daddy's checkbook want to be a part...

    Maybe a few real Lo heads bid on those...but I doubt any cats who were gettin' hats like that for next to nothing back in the day (boost 'em! stick 'em!) would drop a quick 6 stack on 'em.

    For a Snow Beach "Raekwon" joint though...that price is a little more justifiable.

  2. Ah man Black Metal...I really like some of the melodies, but I just can't really fuck with the whole growling satanic viking great odin's raven sniffing a crow corpse in a ziploc and burying your clothes in your backyard for a year thing...it's just a bit much to me. I wish they made instrumental music...although DarkThrone is pretty tough...the older material has that grass roots, Sabbath'y stripped down metal feel to it...good shit.

    The classics like:

    Sabbath (Ozzy years)

    Led Zep





    Early Metallica

    A few songs from Megadeth


    (I know I just named both the classic heavy metal trio and the classic speed metal quartet...so here goes some other bands)


    Dazzling Killmen

    Dillinger Escape Plan



    Hot Snakes/Drive Like Jehu

    Big BLack/Rapeman/Shellac (Albini's sound is like a rusty razorblade soaked in 151 being forced into your ear canal)

    i've been getting into some Psych, Sludge, and Noise stuff...obviously King Crimson and Iron Butterfly are great dusty, psychy, trippy bands...eyehategod is interesting on the whole sludge stee...

    Other classics include Bad Brains, Misfits/Samhain, Black Flag, Leeway LEEWAY LEEWAY (all boro kings...NYC).

    I don't know man...as long as the shit rocks to me...I know I trailed off of the strict metal genre with shit like the 'Fits and what not...but damn, a new type of metal genre is born every month...at least I'm not naming some silly shit like Linkin Park/Wolfmother/Blink182/Green Day/Korn/etc.

    Also...most of the early speed metal greats named "Earth A.D." as the album that influenced the high-speed, dark riff-based, mayhem heard in their music.

  3. mild soap not to irritate and then benxoyl? I used 2.5% brevoxyl (I think..) at some point and it irritated the shit out of my skin, this was when I was using a standard cleanser which wasn't helping. plus I was adviced to use it very lightly on the places needed, not your whole face.

    Yea...not to bring back an old topic...but this is a good one...especially with the warmer/humid Summer weather around the corner.

    Through my findings...I have to totally agree with MikeLowrey...hence the quote.

    Benzoyl Peroxide = Redface

    Salicylic Acid = Much better alternative

    But then again, everyone's situation is different.

    And yes...there needs to be a skin care manual stickied for Sufu...why not? All of this fashion stuff going on...we should all have the faces to go with our crispy wardrobe. Can I get an "amen?!?!" I mean shite...don't we all want to moisturize our situation? Perhaps even preserve our sexy?

  4. .........buttons all fell off within 2 weeks :(


    Best (and pretty much only) way to order the Slick coat is to use a buying service/proxy such as the ones I mentioned in the PM I sent you. You won't need a translator/account or anything. They'll take care of all of it and only charge a 10% commission.

    Yes I will gladly pay 10% commission fee if I score that Slick trench. Thanks for all the help England... you are good peoples.

  5. The one I really liked (black, knee length, epaulets on the shoulders, thick cotton) was $180. Dunno about the rest.

    I hope they had a tan one.

    If not, I may have to get someone to order the Slick one from Japan...

    Or cough up $500 for something by Theory...hmmmm.

  6. They may have been confused at Zara as I believe that the word "trench" usually connotes a full-length (almost to the ankles) coat to most people. I was at Zara in Union Square (SF) last week and they had several 3/4 length coats (around knee length, or shorter)............

    Say no more...I'm headed there in 15 mins ha.

    Okay...uhm...how much were they running...I'm gonna have to load my pockets up a lil bit more than the usual stackage I believe.

  7. BUMP...good topic

    I went to a few of the H&M's in the city (NYC) and they all seemed to be out of the trenches...at least 51st street and 58th street.

    I just called Zara on Fifth avenue and 53rd...they said they didn't have the trench...

    Is there another Zara in the city people were seeing this fucking coat at? Union Square? 59th Street?

    And how do I get that Slick Japan trench...that joint is tough.

    Please help...stealing my pop's Burberry trenchie is a bit silly nowadays.

  8. that one is pretty perfect, i like the length of it.

    probably would like it better in black

    Where/How do I purchase the tan Slick Japan trench. That thing (plus it's price) is very satisfying to look at.

  9. For those that don't know, that comparison is a an OG kids version vs. a somewhat old sample. Any proportion conlcusions you've drawn based on this comparison may not be correct. Of course there are some obvious differences (ie tennis ball) but I would wait to comment until you see a pair of retros in person. Most people complaining about these aren't even old enough to have owned the OG's! If you want a real opinion, ask Alex (aka RetroKid) and you'll see that he's quite satisfied with these. He's one of the most prominent collectors of Agassi gear and he isn't complaining. People cried for years to get a Stab retro and then they cried when they showed up. Boohoo. Maybe people need to get off Nikes for a while...try something new. Hell, get off the retro footwear. We're not entitled to anything on Nike's behalf.

    I'm actually glad these are coming out again. Of course we've gotta take all of the bastardized colorways that follow, but ignore that crap. While everyone else is complaining on Niketalk about differences that are out of our control (and hardly noticeable when worn), we should just be wearing them.


  10. Allow me to be the second retroactively aborted man for agreeing with the upside-down cross thing-a-ma-bob.

    Add that to something that says "skulls" and "alchemist" on it...it's like decking a nun whenever you take a step wearing those.

  11. polo has plenty of solid colored bucket hats

    also, overmatching is overrated.

    plaid bucket hat + plain white tee + some khaki chinos = dope fit imo

    I do agree with the overmatching comment... I'm just not too excited about the plaid thing all over again. I'm actually looking for khaki shorts to go with damn near everything this summer...probably some Polo linens.

    Anywhere online I can get the solid color Polo buckets? Or is it just at the Polo Mansion? I was at Bloomingdales today, just plaid (although I'm kinda feelin' the plaid autumn shades they had for spring/summer).

    On another note, there's nothin' like a plain white tee neither...I was plain white tee'd out all last summer...WITH some plaid shorts and vintage nikes with at least a couple of the shades the shorts had in 'em.

  12. I was actually gonna post up a "bucket" (hat) thread. I wanted to know if there were any other places to get a basic colored bucket besides Lacoste (Polo is good too, but they are on the whole plaid madness...which I would do only if I had the matching shorts)? Uniqlo has a bland looking (color and shape) bucket...I'm looking for basic colors like white, navy, green, whatever.

  13. that's five crazy pairs of jeans you have to choose from...i'd go with the skull or somet--but only because i'm quite unswayed by slubby denim. and the comparatively lighter weight (vs the 17 oz. sammies) would be a good alternative.

    Thank you for the thoughtful response...I agree...with the warmer weather on the NYC horizon, I would probably cop the Skulls or Somets. Plus, as you also mentioned, one of those will alternate well with the Sammies (which are kinda slubby...and definitely not light). I think the Iron Hearts will have to be my winter '07 denim...though last winter had it's weird warmer streaks, it was brick when it felt like acting winter'ish...made me hate the fact that my APC's weren't up in the late-teens (weight-wise).

    Have you had any experience with the Skulls or SOmets? Both make me happy to just look at.

  14. Thanks for the responses...

    APC isn't real denim? Lol...I know I'm about to get a deluge of SuFu shit in .3 seconds...I'm kidding by the way...I know the Japanese stuff reigns supreme for a plethora of reasons.

    I will beat the Sammies to death...no worries about that...but I dunno...the Somets and Skulls are whispering in my ear...and so are the PBJ's and Oni's.

  15. As the current pair of jeans I'm wearing out is reaching a "start anew" point...(I will provide pics of these APC Rescues in about a month)...the idea of my next purchase(s) leads me to question which of these I should throw my money at. Let's say best two out of the four choices...we can group them like this:

    Skull S5000xx vs. Somet 003

    PBJ XX-003 vs. Oni Red

    -The Skull's and Somet's for ease, since they are sanforized, it is like a pair of APC's...rock 'em straight out the box. I've tried on the Skulls and loved the fit. Haven't yet tried on the Somet's, but the lower rise and plain'ness (no branding) are both pretty kosher details.

    -The PBJ's and Oni's = slubby. I've heard very good things about the quality of PBJ denim...plus I tried on the xx-003's the same day I tried on the Skulls...I loved the fit as well. Oni's I have yet to try on...but I'm excited to see how they rock.

    I will be starting off some Samurai 110xj's...which I love due to the Lee-style fit and 17 oz.'ness...plus the texture ain't half bad neither. I plan on alternating this next purchase with the Sammies.

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