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Posts posted by sidneylo

  1. I've just realized that i have waaaay too much in common with Sidney. We have the same last name (Lo), I use a Canon 20D and I recall him mentioning that he had one before in the Self edge party thread, we dont make normal faces in pics, were both tiny asians, and we have humping gif files.

    Wow. We're. Like. Twins.

    *Reaches out hand to match yours*

  2. in general this post was stupid and offensive i realize most of the asians on here are having a good time with it but its a dumb ass statement/question from jump

    Yeah. To a certain extent the self-depricating humor is acceptable--but it's not when it leads to a comfort level where it's obvious that remarks that shouldn't be made, are made.

  3. Hah... I love how people won't even get out of their seats for a pregnant lady. They're all thinking... "that's too fucking bad you should have gotten here first... bitch."

  4. ive heard that clothing quality isnt that good, but it should okay

    Any sources for the quality?

    I'd like to see if anyone can follow-up on this, since this is one of those too-good-to-be-true moments.

    Although I wouldn't mind a nice looking peacoat that costs $60 (+ tax/shipping/death)

  5. If anything, queueing itself isn't exclusive to a whole denomination of people.

    Look at New York City--you queue for fucking everything. People queue to buy a bagel on the street, for the subway, for another queue.

    Although I will admit, the queue for Bapexclusive shit in Aoyama went like two thousand people deep. THAT'S a fucking queue. But then again, Bape is just Planet of the Apes, a 1968 American film of a French novel. So there goes another dot connected.

  6. Seriously, having good credit lets you in some doors. And having good credit means actually using and owning a credit card.

    So true. I guess I thought my mom was crazy for giving me a credit card at 17 and telling me it's for my own good--I just used it for shit that I needed on occassion, but now that I got my own grip on things I have good credit and by the time I'm in my mid-twenties I'll have an easier time going for bigger/better things. :)

  7. im white and i in no way think carrot top is the least bit funny.

    but i agree with sidney on the notion of the asian fascination with pure americana. anyone on here know anything about motorcycles? harleys and choppers are HUGE in japan etc, sort of ties in with levis repros and all that, anything that screams US

    Look into Rastafarian culture as well. There's art books dedicated to the Japanese crossover into the Rastafarian lifestyle. The Japanese look fucking amazing in dreads--that's the part that kills me. I wish I could rock that look.

  8. ^^^ i went to harlem and the Popeyes there has bulletproof windows separating the people from the cashiers.

    WHITE CASTLE TOO. It's like queueing for the fucking bank but for chicken and mini burgers instead.

    An elderly black lady called me a chink but then I realized she was mentally ill and kept ranting under her breath. It was cute.

  9. but i gotta ask... do you ever just take a pic with a straight/non-contorted face?

    Is it an involuntary reaction to the camera?

    Am i the only one who wonders about this?

    I'm not sure. I think my face has stuck that way... :(

    I'm like the Ring but instead of a blurry face for a pic, I get contorted faces. :o

  10. Which asians hunt the most?

    I'd have to go with the Filipinos (hope I spelled that correctly). Those guys are always first in line.

    Depends on where you go. If you're talking about Supreme, we're talking og fresh off teh boat Chinese kids camping.

    i think you're on to something. asians shop so much because they believe it will bring them closer to the american ideal. in esssence, we shop because we want to be white, or black!

    It's also a history of America's occupancy in other countries during wartime. If you look at many of the country's America has occupied, the effect is similar with cultural ideas being traded.

  11. materialism of asians cultures?

    I think it's tough to pinpoint it as materialism of Asian cultures because of its inherent relationship with American culture. I feel like the heavy obsession based actions are a reflection of the influence of past American iconic ideals. I mean, for example, look at Levi repros, non? Or, just popular culture in general, from old movies to McDonald's in the East.

    Just random thoughts spewing.

  12. yeah, what are those?

    Reputation points.

    Grey: Neutral

    Red: Badddd rep from people who dislike you

    Green: Good rep for being supergay

    i had to take about 20 to get this, i can't time it to the camera. sidneylo i salute you!

    I kind of like that jump--you look like you're surfing or doing an ollie. :)

  13. i have no idea why everyone is bashing cingular. verizon is the fucking devil when it comes to cell phone service..
    cellular service providers alternatively suck dicks/are gods, depending on where you live.

    Seems like the Telcos are all to blame, considering how crippled we are compared to Japanese mobile technology. They're streaming shit in HD on their phones now--and have service in every nook and cranny (although it's not fair to compare due to the massive size difference between Japan and the U.S.)

    Either way, if it comes to Verizon, I'll shell out for it--but I'm glad my contract is over this spring/summer for Verizon; I can wait it out and see if anything new pops up.

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