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Posts posted by sidneylo

  1. Neil makes a helluva good point. This debacle will be tough because of the current invested monies in the latest shipments. To have most of their money invested, having them be returned, they don't have much money to change the production line process and keep the quality for this current batch. Lots of recovery needed.

    And the point with trademarks being less valid as Levi's have sat and let them slide for so long is a very good point. This situation sucks because they waited so long. If they had put their foot down from the beginning, the trademark would be a lot more valid, and we wouldn't be in an uproar right now.

  2. this may just be the dawn of a new renaissance in denim. the best denim makers in the world being forced to up the ante and step out from the shadow and stranglehold that levi's has held for too long imo. i for one am excited to see what kind of iconography the japanese market can come up with now. i mean nudie, dior, and even ande whall have done alright with branding without referencing or outright copying so why cant samurai?

    We'll get out of our homotional responses soon.

    Let's support the fuck out of the brands we love--show them that they can stand on their own two feet without the repro. Let's embrace the new, and rock the new steez. I bet Levi's will be fucking jealous. Bitches.

  3. Dear Khalid

    Thank you for your mail.

    I have already heard the new about levis.

    But, I am not sure yet what Levis is going to do.

    Now, we are investigating it now, so I can not say something about it.

    Even if something happen, or we have to change something like red tag or

    so, we never stop making SAMURAI JEANS with high quality.

    I think there is a way.

    Thank you for worrying about SAMURAI JEANS.

    Sincerely yours.


    Damn, that e-mail was deep. Made me tear up for a sec.

  4. i think the new trends for mature or socialy concious asian people is try to act as white as possible.

    This isn't a trend. This is the process of naturalization in America.

    Go back a few pages, Canice got it right the first time around.

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