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Posts posted by sidneylo

  1. As others have said, my understanding is that Levi's do not have copyright provision in Japan thus I suspect (and hope) the lawsuit prohibits the sale of such items in territories where Levi's can enforce their copyright, i.e. the US, UK etc etc. I don;t mean to undermine posts from the likes of Kiya who I'm sure are privy to more info in the lawsuit than me but just saying I wouldn't be suprised if Levi's apparent big gun in in fact a water pistol.

    I think the fact that these companies are selling overseas into the States, hence violating U.S. copyright laws, would put them in deep shit--as well as giving Levi's some legal room to go after them. If they keep it in Japan, perhaps Levi's would be unable to do much.

  2. does anyone actually KNOW for sure that jap brands have to re-do their jeans ?

    im about to go fucking ballistic....

    Either way it's a no go. This apparent/hinted legal action is more important than the actual follow up. The Japanese repro companies won't risk anything, so they'll have to comply. At least that's the way I see it.

    It's like the MPAA suuing random individuals for downloading movies to scare others.

    If anything, the only jeans we'll see coming through customs that can sell are items that do not infringe on any of Levi's trademarks and patents.

  3. It's been in the works for awhile apparently. We'll find out soon... Kiya probably won't say because his business stocks some brands in question. He has a business to take care of first and foremost.

    Let's just hope for the best.

  4. i fear that JAN 17 will be known as the day JP-denim-in-the-US died

    my heart goes out to the people of BiG and SE and their families

    the only bright spot is that the east coast/west coast rivalry that has been tearing this board apart will finally end

    We're all going to bond over this tragedy. Never forget. 1/17/07.

    Edit: This is a sad fucking day. Things will be rough.

  5. great idea. but i thought you were in the bay area? you're on both coasts? i'm around hell's kitchen. miz is downtown/brooklyn. and i'm sure there'll be more guys willing to come out for a little gettogether.

    NYU + I live in (south) Williamsburg... guilty on both counts.

    Let me know I''m down :)

  6. this is pretty strange. all my life i've never heard of such a thing until i was reading this thread last night. then just now, one of my coworker happened to stop by and she was trying to explain to me about this delicious drink she used to drink, which you guessed it, was boba.

    does anyone know where i can try this legendary drink in nyc?


    Chicken, where you at? We should gather the troops for a mini sufu meet, head to Mott street on Chinatown for some boba. :)

  7. expose shit? i'll expose shit.

    i go to NYU, i see our boy DCREV around town all the time.

    matter fact, i can't step into Supreme or Clientele without catching him

    mean-mugging in the corner or some shit.

    the facts seem to be that our boy DCREV doesn't have anything better to

    do than hang out at every single major streetwear spot in town and insinuate

    himself into situations simply by being that weird kid who's hanging out in-store


    when i was a freshman at NYU, i did the same shit, but i didn't just waltz into

    supreme and sit my ass down on the bench... i knew people from knowing people,

    not 'cause i went out and hunted them down like the latest SB release.

    Goddamn. I was gonna say some shit and then I stopped myself. You took the words out of my mouth.

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