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Posts posted by sidneylo

  1. damn so is it ny or japan!?!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?!!!!!! Jesus the suspense is killing me! DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I think Superfuturerrererers are doing their own thing by trying to organize an East Coast meet up. Maybe Kiya's will be a separate annual event to the location of his liking? Either way, I'd like both to happen, so I can attend both. :)

  2. great fit.. how much did they run you? its probably somewhere in the forum but im too lazy to look it up

    $350 at Self Edge I think (but I may be wrong.)

    I fit into a 26 with ease... how scary is that. Welcome to superfuture Anny.

  3. wow this is worthless to me then. It's only tweak of existing phones, nothing revolutionary at all.

    I think what they were going for wasn't "revolutionary", but rather something the phone market does not have--an Apple mentality with a product that looks like it's made by one company rather than tens of hundreds. The UI and apps are integrated so well, it's pushing that closed source solidarity that Apple has in most of their product line.

    I agree though, it's only a tweak, but it's got enough flare to garner their goal of a 1% market share.

    haters are fun :)

    shit's hot yo. a little extortionate for $499 with a contract, though, hardly the kind of price students can afford without using up a big chunk of their loan.

    Considering how important their reputation is, the pricing is consistent with their product line--it is a premium. As sucky as that is, it maintains a balance in the phone market by separating them from the other phone manufacturers. Even as gimmicky as an iPhone is, it's solid pricing and branding will help the iPhone stand out as something desireable and next-gen in terms of phones/smartphones/pdas/etc.

  4. Doubtful. Haven't seen any mention of VoIP functionality, and I'm certain Cingular would want to avoid this. Maybe it'll run a 3rd party app like Skype (which would run separately to the phone and therefore wouldn't shift seamlessly mid call), but that depends on how open the OS is.

    I'm sure it will be disabled, but circumvented within months of its release. :)

  5. You guys realize how big this thing is, right? Like 50% larger than a Treo. Thanks, but I'll wait until I don't need a man-purse to carry this thing around.

    Mac fanboys have the ability to ignore that image when posted. Reality Distortion Field is fucking with my head right now.

  6. i'm curious about this, too. isn't the 3001 the zip fly model? nobody tried the 3008s?

    Yeah. Jantastic said something about a baggier cut that had the button fly... perhaps that's the 3008? I don't know if SE has it in stock, but I want to assume since Jantastic mentioned it at the party...hmm.

    By the way, the post soak day 2 on this is amazing. Slept in 'em, and now they're not as rigid as before... starting to feel super comfortable with the fit. :)

  7. Then whats this thing?

    Fake mock-up... one of dozens.

    this is gonna be painful.

    If this stripped down mobile OS X doesn't allow other web browser apps, we will have a problem.

    I hope their claim of desktop app functionality really comes through, for more freedom of choice in apps.

  8. ***hating in an artificialsky thread***

    no 3g, no ichat, cingular, 600 bucks, yahoo mail.

    OSX, Safari html rich browsing, virtual keypad+lock, proximity sensor, accelerometer (tilt detection ladscape portrait for pictures/video), 2 MP camera, bluetooth 2.0, 3.5" 160p screen

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