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Posts posted by moykky

  1. after some tinkering, ive been able to button the first two buttons :( i could probably get the last two with after some intense working. is this tooooo tight? i dont even know how ill be able to sit down with them on.

    What about the middle button, you're going to leave it unbuttoned? :P

  2. my thoughts exactly and with a price like that I need to get some help. I am pretty thin so I was thinking about jammin out some s5000vx hopefully they will fit like the ns- dont worry I'll search for this answer when the time comes.
    You're pretty hard on your jeans for just walking, etc....but they look great.

    The S5000's have a straight leg, where the APC NS's have a slight taper...don't rule them out though, they're a really good cut.

    What about S0500? They taper a bit.

  3. How are the soles holding up on those Docs, Beatle? Are they airsoles or hard rubber? Just asking cause my docs' soles died after a year or so :(

    How old are yours? 10 years ago Docs were made in UK, but these days they're made in China and they're not the same docs anymore...

  4. No, you got it there. They are raw and sanforized. The only Skull model that isn't sanforized is the 5000XX. If you got the raws, there will be a tiny bit of shrinkage with a wash, but nothing drastic. Maybe half an inch or so at most, I'd guess.

    Thats correct, only little bit of shrinkage.

  5. Funny...but isn't Texas Cotton from the US as well ? Does'nt make sense...I'll have to ask the girl who should know...


    Texas cotton.. May2002a.jpg

    ...and Zimbabwe cotton... Zimbabwean_cotton_Farmers..JPG

    ...might be picked up from those places but the denim itself is made in Japan? ;)

  6. is this possibly the effect of those notorious lawsuits?

    It might be but on the other hand all they needed to do was to get rid of the patch and arcuates. I think it's just because there's time for a change?

    If you ask me, all the most interesting jeans are original cuts more or less and warehouse already has the denim so... :)

  7. i have a pair of skulls in the mail. s5507xx one wash. i am wondering if i need to cold soak these before i start putthing them to work.

    No you don't. They're one-wash model and they have gone through one serious no-nonsense will-take-all -the-shrinkage-away wash. Just wear them. 5507 is my favourite Skull cut now... :)

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