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Posts posted by Mich

  1. Great fits on the jackets both b_F and Jared Lee.

    I like a type III to fit trim and on the snug side.


    The Samurai does run very small for a 44, glad for you the sizing worked out fine.

    I wonder why Samurai washes all their jackets while they normally sell all the jeans in raw state, i would prefer it if the jacket would be unwashed personally.

  2. I agree with tvshooter that the timeframe was quite narrow.

    It might even be that a lot of guys who signed up at first haven't read the pm about ordering yet.

    I know it might be asking a lot, but if possile could you push the date for people to place their order a few days ahead?

    The more guys joining the contest the more interesting it gets, meaning more updates and pictures making it a better contest in the end.

  3. Going with a 34, based on the waist measurements Taichi measured with his own method i should be fine, i need a post wash waist of 87-88cm.

    I'll see how it works out, worst case scenario i could just give these a cold bathtub soak while wearing so it keeps the waist from shrinking to much.

    Thigh and legs shouldn't be an issue.

  4. They are the RRL's, but i think that's mainly due to the lighting, only showing a tiny bit of brown at spots that are scuffed.

  5. I officially cannot send any *new* private messages so please send me private message for ordering.

    The already sent ones, I have seen your message.

    Maybe it's an idea to put a mark behind the names on the 1st page of those that have given you the info.

    So anyone who sees the mark behind his name knows his pm arrived.

  6. You're correct bF, blue was used by Orizzonti on Denime which were sold on the international market.

    I also have a jacket with a blue tab.

    I've seen the black/gold tabs too, i believe they are older and perhaps the predecessor to the blue tab.

  7. Like 00 said Louis, dunno btw why some of you guys had trouble posting yesterday, sufu works fine for me, might be that i use a different browser.

    ^Louis, The Jacket is MF, The shirt is a Freewheelers Neal Cassady "Bakehead" red chambray.

    And very nice it is too.

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