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Posts posted by Mich

  1. i love how it fits in the thigh... i tend to like the skinny-ish fit in my jeans. it's quite a change form my shearers. and plus, "my body type"? obviously i'm not skinny, but i think a slim thigh fit looks better on someone with thigh muscle than someone with chicken legs.

    Great fit jake, looks like they fit you almost exactly like my 1001's do on me.

    Plus they'll stretch.

  2. ^ Thanks for that info Chicken, i wasn't sure if i did pronounce it right, though doo-neeee-moo might prove to be a bit difficult for me with my European accent :o

  3. how do you pronounce denime? den -eem-eh?

    Think something like that yeah, i say deh-neehm.

    What kind of belt is that?

    Atelier LaDurance full grain leather belt.

  4. ^ Sounds interesting.

    You have two options, take a quick snapshot with your phone when he's not looking, or ask him about where he got the jeans, wearing Denime he might be a denim enthusiast and maybe you could start up a conversation about denim.

  5. mostly no homo, but mich where did you get them from?

    I also see that you used a seam ripper. I didn't even notice in the second shot.


    Mich how did they magically turn into the old style arcs in the 4th pic? or is that a totally different pair of jeans?

    like Wesley said, i've used a seam ripper to remove the curly bit on the arcs and what remains looks very similar to the old style arcs, not quite the same though.


    themexican, how about some fit pics ?

  6. FH 1001 size 32/36 which is my true waist size

    pre soak


    post soak (3hrs in the hottest water available from the tap)


    edit: totally speechless about lamb.'s F310, amazing contrast

  7. Damn, I usually don't have problems with hip flares but it's a little extreme on these...:(
    Did the hip flare on those 510s die down after the waist stretched a substantial amount? The hip flare on mine are starting to slowly die down.

    The 510 have one of the biggest hipflares i've seen on any jeans, it also seems to vary with which 510 because on my AI-N it seems to be even more pronounced than on other 510s.

    I've also noticed it from other fit pics of AI-N's.

    I'm considering getting the hip area altered, but unfortunately where i live there is no tailor whom i can trust to do the job.

  8. thanks mich but the jeans feels really smooth and soft for a raw pair..

    Strange, just looking at the patch and smooth structure i'd swear they were still raw.

    but you can feel the denim, so you can be the best judge.

    they're not made from Zimbabwe cotton?

  9. ^^ Very nice, i especially like the look of the UES.

    those FOB look raw to me, i think the wrinkles on the leg are from the jeans not being folded smooth and having layed that way for sometime.

    If it bothers you just iron them out.

  10. ^^ thanks, 2nd still stocks a few sizes for those who care.

    I didn't actually consider a pair when they came out, they're too different for me to be able to wear them everyday, i'm a strict blue jeans kinda guy with a black denim day off once in a while, but that's about all the variety i could handle...

    I was immediately interested though in how they would progress with wear.

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