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Posts posted by choice_genes

  1. got pretty damn drunk on ballantines on friday. nasty stuff. much prefer chivas for a blended scotch.

    where is a good starting point for single malt scotches? something not too complicated, that a novice drinker with unrefined taste-buds such as myself can get into?

    as far as bourbons are concerned - really enjoy bookers (cask-strength) watered down a little. also from memory the jim beam small batch was quite good.

    and maker's mark is a fail-safe. not brilliant, but smooth, easy to drink and tasty.

  2. well coming from someone who smokes a whole lot (who quit cold turkey no problem for 2 mon) compared to someone who smokes very little comparatively, i personally feel i can say from experience that thats nonsense. id like to know how they exactly became "dependent" upon it.

    ok that's cool you've smoked more pot than I have. do you really believe that 'no one gets addicted to tree' though?

    excuse my ignorance of medical/scientific terminology. but yeah, there are people out there who feel that they can't get through the day without smoking weed. whether that's for physiological or psychological reasons (or a combo of both).

    just because you personally are not one of those people - you quit cold turkey no probs as you said - doesn't mean that they don't exist.

  3. whatup momz? road to dependence/addiction? to weed? we in DARE class? please. no one gets addicted to trees, theyre just lazy fucks tryina' find a cop out.

    That's pretty ignorant imo. I've seen heaps of people that have become dependent upon weed, for whatever reason. Shit can fuck you up bad (especially all that hydro covered in hairspray).

  4. I think i might start smoking pot. I've only smoked a few times in my life and was drinking that night as well. I've never been a marijuana guy, but i dunno. I might give it a go. I should probably consult the official thread for advice. Shit really that great? I've always been too lazy to try and buy some and bother with spending the money on it. I dunno, i just know so many people that swear by the stuff.

    are you serious?

    dude you probably do not want to put yourself in a position where you 'swear by the stuff'. waste of your money and your life.

    I'm not at all against the occasional j, however putting yourself on the road to dependence/addiction is another thing.

  5. If you really want to eat at clown casino, I've heard that the new italian joint ('Amadio and Sons' or something...) is very good and not too expensive (like $25 for pasta).

    Run by Maurice who was behind Cafe e Cucina in Chapel st back in the day (ie when it was good).

    But yeah there's plenty of good japanese restaurants in town. Also for the best pizza in town go to Ladro, corner of gertrude and smith st in fitzroy. brilliant.

  6. I was talking to chapital recently, who told me that Order and Progress (Curtin House) has the APC jeans in at a reasonable price (didn't get the actual figure, but I'm assuming he meant low $200s).

    Just for anyone interested in them, since Cactus Jam doesn't have them anymore/charges too much...

  7. I dont really get why they'd hang stuff on their arse.

    these kids are everywhere in sydney.

    anyone tell me how this whole thing started?

    yo we don't got that down in Melbourne. we do have teh Melbourne Shuffle however.

    maybe those dus with the shit hangning out they arse are trying to make a Sydney Shuffle or some shiz?

  8. I have 1447 +rep points (please don't take this as an invitation to neg me)

    How many you got, suckah?

    I am curious, because I have 4 or 5 dark green bars. The maximum is 6 I think. But I am assuming that people like denimdestroyedmailaife, cheep, cotton duck et al have quite a few more points than I.

    Just curious and bored yo.

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