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Posts posted by choice_genes

  1. The peak of actual Disco/funk crossover is Parliament - Uncle Jam. That is the best disco funk album.

    yo - (not just) knee deep is sooo dope:

    I'm a trumpeter, and have been getting really in Tom Browne the last year or so. Most famous for that track 'Funkin for Jamaica', but I just got onto this one 'Thighs High' recently. Real fresh:


    PS great thread will +rap when i can.

  2. I saw the tall dude from little Britain with his little old mum in a shopping mall around Carnaby street. I had no idea who he was, but my girlfriend clued me. everyone was staring, I felt sorry for him.

    He was dressed fucking sharp - real nice suit on a saturday afternoon, mad respect.

  3. Thanks for the interest and the compliments guys :)

    I just re-read this thread and remembered what an awesome trip I had....

    Anyway re brochures and stuff, I do still have them lying around somewhere, but don't have easy access to a scanner. I'll try to post them up sometime though.

    However, I did get a lot of help from this map - http://www.krashjapan.com/v5/jeansmap/index_e.html

    Krash magazine is a partly english-language magazine about cultural stuff happening in the Kurashiki area. Pretty interesting. Cheers.

  4. Thanks for all the complements yo.

    a couple of people have said something to the effect of 'I can't believe you don't wear these all the time'.

    the cut just isn't ideal for me - they're tight in the thighs, and not as slim in the lower leg as I'd like (hence my bustin out the cheap mondays) - I'm looking at getting those SE05BSP flat-heads when they come out - hopefully they'll be closer to what I'm looking for.

  5. no worries, sorry it took me a while!

    aho I think you';re right there are definite similarities between momo denim and FH3xxx denim. they seem to have similar vertical fading qualities, and they also seem to be relatively tight-weave. i think the momos are a slightly darker indigo.

  6. Evo pics finally. Sorry I have been slack with these. I posted this up in the evo thread as well.

    As I said there, I have been rotating these with a pair of black cheap mondays, so they haven't really been worn that hard. One soak at three months, two washes since then.

    They're still very dark, although some mid blue is starting to peek through.

    The photos were taken outside with my Canon Ixus. The contrast has been adjusted in iPhoto to give truest representation of colour possible. Enjoy!







  7. Whodinihimself posted up his 606s recently (which were fucking dope). These are their counterparts. Released in Japan in Winter 2005.

    I wore these solidly for about 1.5 years, they're pretty much retired now as the crotch is about to blow out and I'm too lazy to get them repaired... Photos = same deal as the Momotaros above. Cheers





  8. I rotate these with some black cheap mondays, so they haven't been worn very hard.

    1 soak at 4 months, 2 washes since then. They're still very dark, although sime nice mid-blue is coming through. I think they need/deserve more dedication than I'm giving them :(

    Photos taken in the harsh Australian sunlight with a Canon Ixus, contrast adjusted slightly in iPhoto to show truest representation of colour possible. Cheers.







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