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Posts posted by choice_genes

  1. anyone got any word on the new cuts being released next year? (sorry if this has already been discussed, haven't read this thread in a while....)

    I'm interested to know how skinny the skinny cut is going to be...

  2. DJI I dunno if you can dig the CDG-Play stuff, but the cardigan they do is really nice.

    Great simple design, well-cut, and really good quality wool. I've had one for nearly 3 years now and it's still going strong. They have them at Chiodo, pretty expensive there from memory though...You could proxy one from japan or HK for ~$325

  3. edit: Hey choice.. when ever you think of Lygon do you think of lyger?

    ??? what is lyger?

    @ tyro - yeah they have reopened after their winter break. although I have to say last time i went there i was seriously undewhelmed - base wasn't that great (much prefer ladro's) and they skimped on the ingredients! but maybe i just went on an off night.

  4. I've never had braces, never had a filling, nothing. went through high-school without going to the dentist. when I finally went in 2006, I had to tell them that the last time I went was in the previous millenium.

    i thank my dad for teeth that are pretty much impervious to harm (mum's teeth aren't that great...). hope they stay that way. dental care in australia is FUCKED, pretty much no public and no subsidy otherwise. I realise I'm very lucky....

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