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Posts posted by choice_genes

  1. sorry i have been slack with this....

    I'll try to get something up in the next week. they're still very dark. washed them about 4 times, had them for 9 months now but probably only worn them for about 4 months total...

    will post soon!

  2. let me preface this response by saying that I get confused by sizing questions.... :)

    i wear my jeans on the hips, i just measured that point and it is 33" (although when i bought the jeans 7 months ago it was probably 32 :) )

    I bought a size 30 one-wash which according to BIG measures up at 31 (i'd say this is about right)

    (for reference, I wear 30 in imperial dukes, 30 in skull 5010xx 6x6, 29 comfortably in nudies...)

    these jeans have stretched out to about 32.5 i reckon. with that said, sometimes I find them a little painful to wear these days. yes, they will stretch a bit, but past that point they are quite unforgiving - i think it's because they are quite a tightly-woven denim. they don't give a whole lot.

    my advice - you can maybe size down one, but definitely not two.

  3. actually i think you shouldn't front. you seriously gonna tell me you would endorse this crap if nigga wasn't your boy ? i'd say your neg rep was fuckin personal and biased to boot. my neg repping you was based on your biased neg rep of me and your classless endorsement of this fucking doodoo. you as a poster? stop flattering yourself. i don't even remember/know who the fuck you are (other then you're being mighty stupid in this thread).

    for real, if a friend of mine posted some obviously wack clothing, i wouldn't call someone out, let alone neg rep someone for saying shit about it.

    Fair call. My neg rep was personal and biased. I was sticking up for a friend who's work I like. Whatever.

    Anyway I made this for you. Enjoy :)


  4. how was shit personal? i feel you have bad taste (demonstrated in this thread) and felt like neg repping you for your being biased.


    you feel I have bad taste? you neg-repped me for being biased? that's got little to do with the t-shirts/the purpose of this thread, and a lot more to do with me as a poster.

    that's personal by definition. which is fine, just don't front about it.

  5. hahaha you a biased fucker with bad taste.

    I'll grant you the first accusation - chapital is a friend of mine. I'm trying to support a friend whose work I like.

    But dude, from the fit pics you've posted and the stuff you endorse, I don't think you can talk from any position of higher sartorial authority regarding my taste.

    Now quit bullying and go get yoself some Rohypnol, foo'


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