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Posts posted by WhoGotMeIntoThis

  1. Why haven't I seen any coverage of this shit on here? You'd think there'd be a massive flamewar of sorts on here about this stuff...and this was posted way back in January...

    Pardon me if this has already been posted...but I thought it was something that somebody might feel somewhat strongly about...

    I mean shit, I knew the company had a very different marketing approach...but since when did beating your dick in front of chicks become hot? Somebody clue me in here.


    [url=" http://www.blacktable.com/graham050720.htm/url"] <a href="http://www.blacktable.com/graham050720.htm/url" target="_blank">http://www.blacktable.com/graham050720.htm/url]

  2. Quote:


    --- Original message by Cue on Feb 22, 2006 05:06 AM

    Wow, the stuff on Dov Charney was, pardon the redundancy of my wording, FUCKING RIDICULOUS. I'm wearing an "aa" sweatshirt as we speak...each and every article made me question whether or not I should take the thing off and trash it. Unfortunately it's the only Hoody I've got and until I have the financial Capabilites to toss it...I won't. But don't expect me to be buying mad shit from American Apparel any longer...
  3. I know there's quite a few people that have had their jeans tailored. I know that a tailor is capable of making lots of garments fit a hell of a lot better. I know that some of these guys have had their jeans taken in in the seat areas, waist I believe, and the leg openings can also be altered. This is just stipulation based on what I've seen/read in here though.

    ...but as far as I know, yes, this can be done.

  4. I see two people in black jackets in this photo...well hoodies maybe. But I'm going to guess you're the one with the Levi's (edit:didn't see the "levi's" comment, my bad). But you'd think if you were going to post a WDYW pic you'd at least be able to see the entire outfit...

    Personally...I'm digging the sweats on the left...classy. And DAMN! Are those K-Swiss?


    AA Hoody

    LRG Tee

    H&M Dry Sliq

    Nike Tennis Classic


    Edited by WhoGotMeIntoThis on Feb 22, 2006 at 04:47 PM

  5. Quote:

    Put some hot water in a spray bottle. Spray the entire hat and wear it on your head until it dries.

    --- Original message by Bing Bing on Feb 22, 2006 02:37 PM

    This sounds like the best method. Thinking logically, when you wash a wool sweater in hot water and throw it in the dryer it comes out looking like it could fit a GI Joe. So throwing a little hot water on your wool hat and allowing it to dry naturally might have a similar but less drastic effect.
  6. Quote:

    Yeah, I don't neccasarily believe in Anarchy, but at this point I think anything would probably be better. I just used that symbol because that's like one of the first things anyone I knew threw up. It represents and embodies graffiti and it's culture and that's what I wanted to show. Anyways, thanks for the comments.

    --- Original message by Proletariat on Feb 22, 2006 01:15 AM

    I totally understand you there...but I guess I'm afraid people might get the wrong idea when worn.

    But as far as that little era you speak of goes, I remember and totally know what you mean.

  7. Celtics tee is pretty tight looking...

    ...the other stuff is good...but not a fan of the anarchy stuff...at least the symbol anyways...but I like the ideas and such...

    ...but hey, you're a proletariat...gotta do what you gotta do...

    Edited by WhoGotMeIntoThis on Feb 22, 2006 at 01:12 AM

  8. Quote:

    HAHA! it was a joke.. i do wash my beard when i shower everyday! I thought the sarcasm would be easily detected.

    But its true that i havent trimmed or shaved it at all for quite some time.. but hey, it keeps my face warm and skin protected during the winter.

    --- Original message by jwied82 on Feb 22, 2006 01:01 AM

    Haha, I was being somewhat sarcastic as well...but go to school here in Eugene, Oregon and tend not to think twice when others mention not showering...it's just that kind of city...

    ...being topless around town is not frowned upon nor illegal...unfortunately it's only the middle aged women who truly appreciate that freedom

  9. I'll take Poor Assumptions for $500 Alex...

    Nah, I wasn't trying to sound like I knew more than anybody else. But so many kids have been obsessing over the HOA stuff. It's just crazy how quick it blew up among shoe heads and how it seems to be luring kids into the shoehead world. The Mitas are kinda the same way...but a little less hyped. They're all cool shoes, I wasn't knocking anything or anybody here. Didn't mean to sound like some sort of knowleageable prick.

    Edit: Trashing this thread would be fine.

    Edited by WhoGotMeIntoThis on Feb 22, 2006 at 01:03 AM

  10. I'm gonna have to say a little bit of both...I'm a huge fan of the low rise because my pelvic region is short as hell. And then I've got to go straight leg, not a huge leg opening...so I dunno...I suppose this is a little of both vintage and modern.

  11. I've seen a bunch of this stuff on eBay. But let me get this straight...Urban Outfitters was purchasing jeans from who? I'm confused as to if Urb actually thought these were well worn vintage levi's...like some sort of collector now distributing dozens of worn vintage jeans...all the same cut and model...to Urban Outfitters. I don't understand who, at urban outfitters made such an awful mistake?

  12. Yeah, I remember the kid who posted his cheap monday's soaking and the bathwater was BLACK. So if you want the rest of your clothing to stay the same color, I'd take these other guys' advice and wash them by hand or by themselves. I wouldn't risk ruining a whole load of laundry.

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