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Posts posted by johninger

  1. Quote:

    I wonder what would happen if you followed the recipe?

    Edited by Marcus on Oct 20, 2005 at 05:10 AM

    --- Original message by Marcus on Oct 20, 2005 05:09 AM

    You would have a delicious snack...

    ...And a f@#ked up pair fo jeans

    I hope indigo doesn't cause cancer...

    ... could you hand me the dental floss

  2. john11f, feel free to distribute my recipes on the internet.

    Although i will retain animation rights for Pete the Potato Pincher...

    I hope indigo doesn't cause cancer...

    ... could you hand me the dental floss

  3. you'll have to go search some of my other posts as i have vowed never to speak their name again.

    No seriously people were getting all over my case cause i was talking them up so much when i first joined, they thought it was my brand.

    Coincidence that they use predominantly Japanese denim and I'm from Japan... lol but no i found them when i was out consulting a company their a couple of years ago.

    check out their site www.imperial.st

    i might be mistaken about them being made in Brisbane but thats where i have gotten my pairs from...

    PS acne really dont do anything for me, why have they given up nudie for that brand??

    I hope indigo doesn't cause cancer...

    ... could you hand me the dental floss

  4. brisbane is not too bad... it has gold coast near.

    And when i'm in australia I always stop by to get my favourite pair of jeans cause they are made in Brisbane, and i can't get them here...

    PS. if you are interested we get a huge range of adidas original stuff in Japan... also check harputs online they have lots of stuff that works out pretty cheap.

    I hope indigo doesn't cause cancer...

    ... could you hand me the dental floss

  5. If you want to be super repro then the starch in potatoes is the traditional way to do it...

    You should boil up some potatoes, best for this would be a yukon gold or a russet.

    Make sure the water is salted and boiling before you put the water in. Should take about 10 minutes at sea level, you can check if it is ready if a fork can pierce it easily.

    Take the skin off and mash really well, set aside half.

    With one half rub all over your jeans aiming to get a fine paste of potato all over. With the other half add butter and season to taste.

    What you have now is a pair of starched jeans and some dinner.

    I hope indigo doesn't cause cancer...

    ... could you hand me the dental floss

  6. I wish there was a standard sizing system for pants like there is for shoes. Waist should be easy enough but for instance nudies 32" RR fits a 34" waist, plus a bit of stretch so whats up. Are brands just lazy and can't bother getting it right...

    I suppose even shoes are not totally fail proof...

    I hope indigo doesn't cause cancer...

    ... could you hand me the dental floss

  7. dont like them at all...

    very done, and look at the honeycombs, they are like 2 inches too low and the groin is very manufactured looking.

    I'm not so sure i would pay a premium for a designer jean, except heather locklear's CKs.

    I hope indigo doesn't cause cancer...

    ... could you hand me the dental floss

  8. I never go shopping with anyone. I find no else's opinion relevant until I've actually bought it then i'm like "hey what do you think?". Bit weird...

    I hope indigo doesn't cause cancer...

    ... could you hand me the dental floss

  9. For me evisu has always been a little over the top. And their recent range has taken that to another extreme. The jeans with the one huge gull on the seat of the pants are out of control. Plus they have begun embroidering more and more so now they look more like FUBU or Rocawear than a traditional pair of jeans...

    But depends what you like i suppose.

    I hope indigo doesn't cause cancer...

    ... could you hand me the dental floss

  10. I'm not so sure Marcus...

    Thats the point I'm trying to make. For so long they were just that, if you wanted the best jeans in the world you would go by levis (period).

    Now, even though i consider myself a denim connoisseur i wouldn't know what to buy. We have small inexpensive department stores here that sell orange label levis that look similar to red label, one is equivalent $US10 one is $US100, not enough differentiation in my mind...

    I hope indigo doesn't cause cancer...

    ... could you hand me the dental floss

  11. Maybe 20-30 years ago the brand was an absolute blockbuster.

    There was a different mentality back then, underground culture did not really exist to the same extent that it does now. Well it did but it manifested itself in a different way...

    So brands like Nike, Reebok and Levis were all super cool brands, no questions asked.

    I think Nike out of these three Nike has handled the transition into this new market much better.

    They have more clearly delineated sub-brands that allow for them to totally cash in on mass-consumerism while maintaining an underground edge. I know this seems a little too analytical but this whole board is driven by these same forces.

    Think evisu, how outrageously cool you felt to own an evisu 10-15 years ago compared to now just being a part of the group. And would you feel as cool if you owned a deadstock pair of dunks as opposed to a standard nike trainer...

    It is inevitable some people will want to be different and that most people want to be the same...

    I hope indigo doesn't cause cancer...

    ... could you hand me the dental floss

  12. I think this is an interesting thread... well what i could read of it was!

    Cause evisu is an unusual case. Their pseudo-underground image was hijacked by hip hop celebrities wearing their stuff on prime time. I do not think they actively pursued this marketing path but what the hell they are making a tonne of money so why not.

    Also, i think that the whole evisu thing was manufactured anyway, their story and the way it is marketed is full of holes. But whoever came up with it is very clever I'll give them that much

    If you are worried about evis think about levis...

    I hate how levis totally diluted their brand image, ie. manufacturing offshore, selling cheaper versions of their jeans in department stores etc. OK they have shareholders to answer to but in my mind they have brand customers to answer to also.

    I dont think levis will ever recover to be the brand they once were...

    I hope indigo doesn't cause cancer...

    ... could you hand me the dental floss

  13. Quote:

    johninger, I'm curious where you got your information from, because you're saying that most jeans have a lower dip count than I've heard before. I really don't believe that a lot of japanese high end selvedge denim has 6 or less dips, perhaps someone else knows?

    --- Original message by horriblyjollyjinx on Oct 18, 2005 02:34 AM

    My information is from experience, I have consulted many labels on their choice of denim along with construction and also design etc as well as designed many textiles not just denim.

    Many japanese brands do use huge number of dips. But i can tell you now nudie, edwin and the evisu that I have seen in US, UK and Australia, use pretty standard denim that would not be dipped more than 10 times (i mention these as they seem to be most popular on this board, cant comment on APC cause I have never seen in real life).

    But i guess everyone is getting hung up on how many times they are dipped, but this is not a good measure. Like I said before the process will differ depending on many different factors, most of which I have not mentioned. ie. yarn quality, yarn count etc.

    For instance, cotton from certain breeds and regions has more affinity for indigo than others and so on, so not a simple matter of 10 times and that is best.

    Point i was trying to make is that indigo smudging in hands is not necessarily a sign of good denim but may be a sign of bad dyeing or perhaps overzealous jean designers wanting to be a little different, or perhaps trying to recreate when indigo was not able to be cured as well as now when we understand chemistry better (crazy reproduction brands!)...

    I hope indigo doesn't cause cancer...

    ... could you hand me the dental floss

  14. wow you are from australia.

    lol i was in Brisbane a while ago and i thought it would be easy to pick up rod lavers (considering he is an australian tennis player) and the guy in the foot locker there didnt even know rod lavers existed...

    I hope indigo doesn't cause cancer...

    ... could you hand me the dental floss

  15. No the weft may pick up some colour but to cure indigo into weft would take a lot of effort and is not feasible in a home washing machine.

    I think the point people make is that sometimes the indigo is so concentrated it looks black, after one wash the blue become less concentrated and looks bluer (sic).

    I hope indigo doesn't cause cancer...

    ... could you hand me the dental floss

  16. Quote:

    I also have a question johninger.....how's many dips does the brand you were advocating for have? I'm interested in Imperial denim, their stuff seems pretty nice. Any idea if they're being sold in the US?

    Edited by Phrost3 on Oct 17, 2005 at 08:24 PM

    --- Original message by Phrost3 on Oct 17, 2005 08:23 PM

    Phrost I am not advocating the brand anymore, although i still do love them.

    When i first joined i thought it was the done thing to let people know some unknown brands that might be of interest. I have appeared to offended some so I am actively trying to not mention them. Its funny though if you read through other peoples posts they actively mention other brands a lot more than i ever did.

    Re your question and the unnamed brand. Their denim is very nice, is sulfur topped im not sure how many times they dip but it feels and is finished very much like a kaihara denim (selvage, yarn quality etc). The only bleeding I have experienced was onto my white canvas shoes where water was always getting into.

    So judging by that and after one wash them being darker than my edwins, i would hazard a guess at perhaps 10-14, they have beige fillings and sulfur topping so this makes it harder to judge.

    I hope indigo doesn't cause cancer...

    ... could you hand me the dental floss

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