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Posts posted by johninger

  1. I think that with all new stores you should tread carefully with your first season.

    Remember most of what is liked and revered on ST probably will not sell in the quantities you are talking about to the general public.

    I have experience of a man who gambled his whole fortune (well 90%) on one season. In theory there is a bigger return but if first season jitters hit then he had nothing to get through next season, no turnover in capital. Which is exactly what happened.

    So my best advice would be stock 66% of what you would like to, leaving much more money in reserve than what you think is necessary.

    A well respected retailing friend of mine told me in the current climate expect to not sell anything and if it does than thats a bonus!!!! lol hes a pessimist.

    I hope indigo doesn't cause cancer...

    [url=" http://www.imperial.st"] <a href="http://www.imperial.st" target="_blank">http://www.imperial.st</a>

  2. Quote:

    shuttle looms are WHACK!!! air jet looms RULE!!!

    technology, bi%#hes!!! just kidding.

    okay, enough w/ the APC, Nudie, 5EP, RRL, 45rpm conversations...

    does anyone here occassionaly wear non-selvage denim brands?

    any faves?

    --- Original message by sambeckett78 on Sep 27, 2005 09:04 AM


    I hope indigo doesn't cause cancer...

    [url=" http://www.imperial.st"] <a href="http://www.imperial.st" target="_blank">http://www.imperial.st</a>

  3. I think that feelings about bad quality associated with developing countries are a vestige of days gone by. In the past made in China was always a bad thing.

    However, if you ask your grandparents about made in Japan post WWII then they'll say the same thing. We were just churning out rubbish and lots of it, mainly copies. But now look at Japan and our craftsmanship and technology is second to none.

    Being from the manufacturing industry i think Chinese made stuff is becoming exceptional quality. In fact, a lot of you are wearing chinese made jeans. Remember the brands can put on made in Italy/Japan/US as long as they sew 10-20% (varies with each country) in those countries. So jeans come already made without say pockets sewn on. If they sew them on in Italy then it qualifies for italian made label.

    Chinese manufacturers can pay their workers much less so they can afford to spend more time on each pair of jeans, which equals much better attention to detail. Anyone can sew a perfect garment if they have enough time...

    I think main thing I would never buy chinese/vietnamese/indonesian made is because you are supporting an industry based on exploitation of its workers and the environment. Also, it won't be long till China absolutely dominates the manufacturing industry after starving the rest of the countries industries. Then they can name their price, where will we be then...

    I hope indigo doesn't cause cancer...

    [url=" http://www.imperial.st"] <a href="http://www.imperial.st" target="_blank">http://www.imperial.st</a>

  4. I mean rip off totally...

    I find it hard to label anyone a rip off in Fashion especially denim. The other day someone was saying how much a rip off all the shuttle loomed denim people were coming in now. But evisu were following someone who followed someone who followed levis. Nudie use the same denim that edwin were running with for their old redlines. I mean exact same, probably sampled edwins end of roll for all we know.

    They just bullshit it better so come on... come on...

    So please think a bit when labelling rip offs. NB nothing to do with diamond thread but interesting all the same

    You can do it too...

    I hope indigo doesn't cause cancer...

    Imperial Brand Clothing - [url=" http://www.imperial.st"] <a href="http://www.imperial.st" target="_blank">http://www.imperial.st</a>

  5. Why so much feeling and hate on this thread?

    APC damn you, you are tearing us apart. I wasn't even buying into the discussion and I got cained.

    By the way Imperial also offer, for the right price, authentic worn-in dry denim. They have purchased an entire sub-saharan village and are now coercing all the villagers to wear dry denim for at least 12 months before washing the garments. If they do not comply they are shot...

    But the good news is ... wait for it ... ready to wear 1 wash/12 month raw denim.

    Apply here... by the way for those humourless fiends in this thread Imperial have not bought a whole african village and obviously do not shoot anyone.

    I hope indigo doesn't cause cancer...

    Imperial Brand Clothing - [url=" http://www.imperial.st"] <a href="http://www.imperial.st" target="_blank">http://www.imperial.st</a>

  6. you guys have no humour.

    again my sig is a belief not a job. For all you that took offense at my product placement in that little humourous aside please replace with Nudie RRDS or APC or whatever other little pet brand you have...mine happens to be Imperial.

    I'll let you guys get back to your bitching now sorry to have tried to lighten it up a little.

    I hope indigo doesn't cause cancer...

    Imperial Brand Clothing - [url=" http://www.imperial.st"] <a href="http://www.imperial.st" target="_blank">http://www.imperial.st</a>

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