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Posts posted by kiya

  1. *edit* Gonna be there when Self Edge opens? I kinda wanted to ask about a SF meet and greet in another thread about SE but i wasnt too sure that was such a hot idea

    how about this?

    we'll even HOST a SF meet n greet..

    is that too cheesy?

    can we live with ourselves after doing this?

    it might be too much.

    think about it.. if it sounds appealing, we'll set up a SF meet n' greet... we'll supply the music and alcohol. you guys supply the bodies and we'll do it after business hours.

  2. we'll actually have every brand we've listed in full stock upon opening. and as of right now, we're still aiming for a November 1st opening date and a huge opening party november 18th.

    we also have about 5 brands of tops we've added and we're working on our fifth and sixth brand of denim at the moment. :)

    maybe this all requires it's seperate thread. there was no intention on hijacking this thread.. hehe..

  3. i have a pair of Notify jeans that are totally resin pressed, which i'm assuming is what you're referring to.

    they're a dark indigo but after the resin pressed procedure they almost look like they're made of black leather.

    they're wearing in slowly but they're looking better after every wear.

  4. a word of advice..

    pass on the PumaXEvisu jeans..

    the quality is nowhere near what regular issue Evisu jeans are at..

    and that's not saying much.

    regardless, from the feel to the stitching you're getting something more along the lines of "puma denim" than "evisu denim"...

    spend a little more and get some true evisu jeans..

    or skip on it all together and jump on some samurai's..


  5. that's a really interesting concept..

    to dye both the warp and the weft..

    but like the earlier person said, wouldn't this heavily color your legs?

  6. whow..

    the Yamane's i bought from he Evisu store in Hong Kong Central about three years ago cost me about 300 USD. they are of the best quality i've ever seen on ANY denim, complete with hidden rivets in the rear pockets..

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