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Posts posted by mouko

  1. feb231.jpg



    Almost same'ol, new shirt. Just got a tripod but i suck at using it. sorry folks

    beanie - lacoste

    jacket - ro geller

    biggie shirt - temple effectives

    jeans - dh 19cm mij (actually APC cure black stretch)

    shoes - adidas stan smiths (now with a white label tab on the back, which costs $5.00 more than other colors..fuckers)

    and so I don't get anymore PMs...Glasses are vintage

  2. closetafter1.jpg



    Look at all those empty hangers. I ended up donating almost half my wardrobe to unclutter.


    On top of the shelf, colonge, shoe polish, jewelery.



    I moved my Muji drawers up on the loft and topped them with wood planks that I'm going to paint white. I still have to organize this area. I plan to put more photos, some plants. etc. My bedding area to the right is bare, I just got rid of my old sheets so I'm not going to show it yet.

    more soon

  3. 4.jpg

    You know you love my pink cat head litter box.




    Better shot of the new clean stacking of the books. I still want to add little things to make it feel more homey. Trinkets, flowers..etc


    Endless amounts of fashion and design related material


    Paintings and frames.



    The painting is based on a print by YSL for their Spring 08 collection. Mine is still in progress.



    I actually framed pulls from magazines. They say "All Lanvin" "All Louis Vuitton" "Prada/Commes des Garcon/Lanvin" Mad fashion whoring


    Another magazine pull I framed for the kitchen. Really cute girls eating cake/cupcakes.

  4. After about a week of zenning out my place, here is the progress so far. There's still a handful of things I want to do on my list, but it's taking a while. Plus, I think change should happen organically, not all at once. That makes it feel artificial. For the most part, I just uncluttered everything and organized.

    Here's the progress so far, with some before and after pics. Sorry for the random pic quality, I suck at color correction. Also there's an overload of fashion related content.



    Main. Books, dress form, pillows, boxes, mail..etc everywhere. Foreman family grill baby!


    Couch and coffee table covered in books, clothes, cameras, scratching post, magazines..


    Work table. Books, magazines, office stuff, hot sauce, empty coke zero bottles, napkins...


    Shelf. Stacks and stacks of books unorganized, papers, muji clear boxes filled with junk.


    Loft area. Paintings, frames, boxes of old clothes and junk, kitty in a box


    a very messy closet. That mass of black on the right side are clothes piled up that should be hanging.

    Zen it up




    huge leather piece my friend Saba got me from when she interned at Levis. I'm going to be sewing new pillow covers soon for some color.


    My cats love sleeping on it.

  5. I'm digging this more than the last collection, but they do feel very similar. I'm already getting a "I've seen this before" feeling, which isn't a bad thing (Happens almost every season with Ann D. And I love her) The Imperial Stormtrooper Red joints are a nice constrast.

  6. But is does come in VERY handy if you actually know how to sew, as you will understand the designing part better and also will be able to communicate better to whomever you are working with what you want...

    Word: Case in point, Patrik Ervell's crotchless pants for men.

  7. you should report back with how good it is, i thought about picking it up

    Just finsihed it last night. Actually my favorite literary criticism on Religion. He does a better job than Richard Dawkins in my opinion, who seems to come off too much like a pretentious annoyed internet flamer a lot of the time.

    His argument is much easier to follow I think, and reads more like a history and dissection of religion itself (he discusses how religions develop and gives really interesting examples of religions being developed in the 20th century, such a small islands that worship American GIs who flew in during WWII), to how conflicts arise because of differences in religious beliefs and things like that.

    Def recommended if you're into this sort of thing.

  8. why does somebody fuck up a perfectly decent fit with those shoes?

    maybe with the all black scheme, the most you could get away with is white...and even that's pushing it.

    I think that outfit works actually. But then again I might be a little bias.

  9. I've been getting a lot of questions about pricing. Here's a little rundown of what to expect. Please note that these are all approximate.

    Jackets - ~$600-$800

    Leather jackets (including the moleskins ones) - ~$1300-$1500

    Jeans- ~$200

    Poly coated jackets/coats - ~$800

    Gradient tee - ~$120

    Felt patch tee/printed tees ~$80

    Hoodies/sweaters -$240

    Robotcop knits ~$400

    Other pants (dress, cotton canvas) ~$275-$375

    Scarf ~$250

    Oversized knits ~$700

    Sunglasses/Eyeglasses ~$190

    Rabbit Fur hat ~$290

    Backpack $900 (calf), $600 (nylon)

    Rope bracelet ~$250

    Got a ton more pictures, willl post tonight

  10. Yeah, haven't been dating her long and I just moved to Boston a month ago, so I'm still feeling things out. Skating in Boston Common and coffee/North End is how I'm leaning.

    Doesn't boston have one of those tour buses you can take? Get some disposable cameras and hop on one, take a tour of the city. Did that with one chick here in nyc and it was a hit.

    Be tourists for a day.

  11. it's a scarf like this

    i have a similar sarti one but the geller one is probably 10x as big.

    The one the other guy wears is actually a larger, square, blanket type version of the destroyed scarf.

    It looks like all the naysayers who denigrated Cloak when people championed it as the best american line by claiming Plokhov's slavic origins can suck it.

    It appears Geller may have been Cloak.

    It also appears he may be the americans great white hope.

    I still love the better NYC lines (Patrick Ervell, Tim Hamilton, etc), but nobody had gotten me this excited about a line coming out of North America before, I basically want everything.

    some pre-geller-revamp cloak



  12. sorry guys I don't have a price list but I'll find out tomorrow and give you all some ballparks. I know a lot of you are itching to know.

    Also, I've been getting some questions about if this is the whole collection. No, this is a pretty good portion of it, but I estimate there's at least 20-25ish more pieces I didn't photograph. Suits, button up shirts, printed tees, pants, more knitwear pieces and accessories (such as the suspenders, belts, shoes, scarves). I'll see what else I can photograph and post up.

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