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How many here puff the tobacco wacko?

Takin a pull on a late night

or early mornin

after sex

or after fappin to the supa fap



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on my crazy thursday 10 hour school day:

(10:30) driving to school

(2:00) during break after my second class

(3:40) during break before my third class

(5:00) during my 15 minute break in my third class

(7:00) after my third class and before my fourth class

(9:30) after my fourth class driving home.

and possibly more depending on what i do after class. it's not that bad on other days!!

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trying to cut back a bit. not willing to quit yet. smoking half at a time now. its gross but it helps alot.

8:30 full cigarette on the way to class or while taking WAYWT if i have time. this one is vital.

1:00 half a cig after lunch

6:00 half a cig after work

10:00 one or two after one or two beers

usually sucessfully keeps it down to three or four a day . heavy drinking days are exempt of course

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Half smoked ciggies taste like licking tyre marks off a NASCAR track.

When I was a student with little cash, I used to re-smoke leftover cigarette butts from my ashtray the next day. One or two puffs from each butt (no homo), and I was pretty much set till I could bum (no pun, srsly) a few off my friends when it's time for school.

So glad I quit.

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tried to quit but all of my friends are chain smokers

need a cig with some brew

need a cig without some brew

need a cig with some coffee

and without some

wahhh i r poor

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When I drink and when I'm going to a show and I know it's going to be cold.

Fuck you, San Francisco night time weather.

As a corollary to the question of if you smoke; what do you smoke?

Nat Sherman Originals. 101 size. Which is why I can never have a whole one.

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Marlboro Lights = Slut Butts.

Reds are for either:

a.) old, chain-smoking men

b.) young, reckless teenagers

c.) hicks (hence the nickname "Cowboy Killers")

Hipsters are all about the American Spirits.

Goths, of course, love Djarum Blacks.

Indie boyz & gurlz enjoy Parliament Lights (or Camel Lights).

I've heard, black people smoke Newports (or anything w/ menthol).

Brand sterotypes, anyone?

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Wawa is the biggest convience store chain in NJ.

and very sorry gaybonerchick, sheos be out tomorrow, priorirty shippin. Me have bipolar disorder methinks. It gets in the way of stuff D=

I'm not above admitting that I lol'ed.

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i only smoke occasionally...once every month or so.

i can't be around my friend when he doesn't have a cig to smoke, he moves around so much and starts freaking out. i feel bad that i can't do anything. well, i can...but then he would really freak out.

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If I'm just at home all day, usually just three cigs (half of the fag, then smoke the rest later). Mostly with my coffee.

With friends it will add up to several.

And yeah, when I'm outside waiting for stuff.

For the most part, I smoke Prince Red SP.

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i quit smoking on the 18th November 2005. Im sorry all, after six years of smelling like arse after a smoke i had had it :) I still miss them sometimes, normally they completely repulse me. I never had the usual things that acompany smokers (out of breath easily, coughing in the morning etc etc) So it was mainly the smell and those horrible adds that bothered me. My favourite cigartette was peter jackson select blend in the black ribbed packet (fav part).


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