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Levi's Jeans: Boring Or Hot?


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I'd love to buy a whole mess of premium jeans such as Diesels and Rock and Republics and raw jeans. But since those other brands run $150 to $300 a pop, I turn to more "mundane" choices. Among jeans in the under $100 range, you have to be very picky.

I find a lot of Levi's jeans to fit me pretty well. Their jeans by and large are very soft and comfy as well as offering a good fit. They're the originals, folks, so no surprise there.

But I'm wondering: has Levi's lost its cache? I mean, certain of their jeans are quite popular. Obviously their Capital E line. And the classic 501's. And a few others. But what about 527's and 514's? If they fit great and look pretty good, that's all that matters, right?

Or, is there such a huge bump in quality and prestige with some premium brands that I should invest in one pair of raw jeans as opposed to several pairs of Levi's? Discussion especially welcome from those who can directly compare Levi's with more expensive brands.


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As long as they fit nicely and are comfy, you're good. You're usually going to end up paying more for quality denim, but there are plenty of "high-end" jeans that are expensive as crap and use the shittiest denim. As far as style goes, personally, I hate italian fashion and I REALLY hate Italian jeans. Just stay away from them.

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What's wrong with Diesels? I have a kick ass pair from 3 years ago, with an incredible wash. Seriously, all these denim snobs gotta check their egos at the door, no one cares about your altelier la durance, famous friends latest pick ups. Wear what looks good on you.

i think a lot of others just follow the crowd

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What's wrong with Diesels? I have a kick ass pair from 3 years ago, with an incredible wash. Seriously, all these denim snobs gotta check their egos at the door, no one cares about your altelier la durance, famous friends latest pick ups. Wear what looks good on you.

Fact is that Diesel quality has sucked for quite some time. 9 oz. denim is simply not going to compare to 14 oz.+ I walked for Diesel for a bit 7 years ago and their stuff was decent. Now, meh.

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the only diesels that i dont mind is the 772 wash Zathans...i had a pair that i altered to be tapered but the fit is nice for a bootcut with a nice wash, since then i sold those jeans cuz i never wore it :/ ... and you really cant say the "quality" is nice compared to alot of japanese stuff such as pbj's, skulls, etc and at a similar price range, i'd rather go with higher quality japanese stuff.

as for rock and republic, theres really no way to explaining why anyone wants a big purple/yellow or red/purple or whatever obnoxious color/symbol it comes with on the ass. and you cant say its the "fit" cuz they look horrible in the first place.

in the end, i'd rather have 1 pair of 501 stf's over however many R&R and Diesel jeans one can have..

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I too like the 772 wash, probably the only wash I like from Diesel nowadays, and if I had to choose a distressed jean id wear them again. The biggest problem with Diesel etc. I see is the $180-$220 pricetag which is a tad too much when one looks at better alternatives.

Well fitting 514 or STF's can be had for less than $50, bigger body types can pull off a 501 as well, and you can always just buy some new standards for $140 if all else fails. If you want to spend as much as Diesel, like already stated, go for jap denim. The jeans will be understated, subtle, and tasteful - instead of trendy, loud, and well...frat boyish.

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i used to be real big on diesels and rocks but it just got too gay seeing 40 out of 45 people wearing the same pants just gets old and wack. i still have those jeans but i dont wear them anymore because after i bought a pair of japanese denim i just cant turn back because i looked at all my jeans and noticed that the washes are out of control and unreal. i have one pair of rocks that I could still wear because they arent so outrageous.

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just so you know rock and republic and diesel type brands are incredibly unpopular and looked down upon here.

I like levis

I still dont understand why people here are so negative on diesel. I've personally heard DOZENS of stories of R&R jeans tearing and ripping within a few months of purchase so I have no love for them but every season, diesel has something for everyone. I know there's some cuts in the current lineup that people on this board would like if they could get over the knee-jerk "ick, diesel!" response.

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Fact is that Diesel quality has sucked for quite some time. 9 oz. denim is simply not going to compare to 14 oz.+ I walked for Diesel for a bit 7 years ago and their stuff was decent. Now, meh.

9 oz denim doeasn't compare to 14 oz. You haven't seen any of the stuff LVC used on their 1901s 1880s or 1886s then. thats some of my favorite denim period.

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