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Vincent Gallo by Jeff Burton for Yves Saint Laurent


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watch the brown bunny. it fucking sucks except for one scene which almost makes it worthwhile (hint: it's that girl from kids who got aids doing what she said she hates).

buffalo '66 is decent.

btw the fits are on point.

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general consensus question but is vincent gallo, a genius or is he completely insane. he has crazy eyes in my opinion, but listening to him speak you get a different vibe.

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I dont like him, I found his music average, he seems to work with all the right people though and her does make the clothes look good. meh.

I think he fits the edgy 'YSL image' and I think the photos are beautiful.

I agree that his music is average, but I find him one of the most interesting and daring American filmmakers. (Which doesn't mean that his movies are good necessary) Buffelo '66 is in my top-favorite movie list though.

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Buffalo 66 is a modern classic in my book.

In Brown Bunny, Vincent Gallo gets a on-screen blowjob from former "real life" Girlfriend Chloe Sevigny. I hear the movies crap, and I have no intrest in seeing an ugly girl give head, or Vincent's cock, so no thanks.

The ads on the other hand are fine for what they are. I saw 'em in Purple last week and thought they looked good. He is an excellent model and the photos have a nice seedy quality to them.

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Vincent Gallo was a big Helmut Lang fan actually. I even think they were (kind of) friends or at least knew each other.

He is just one of those 'cultfigures'. Friends with Rick Rubin/J. Ramone, selling his sperm/a gw bush supporting HL goose jacket/nacked pictures of Gaspard Noé/more of that shit on his homepage, does a cameo in Jay-Z's 99 Problems and now being the face of YSL.


I think the thing with B'66 is that it's a very unamerican (formwise) movie. But deals with very american issues. That makes it unique. Johan Lindeberg once stated that this movie inspired him to design his first collection. (Gallo wears short a black 'n white striped tshirt with slim leather jacket and dresspants and 4" heel boots in the movie.)

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Do the clothes have Gallo's urine/semen stains on them? Because why would I buy them if they didn't?


Reagan Bush "Campaign Trail" Helmut Lang Parka by Vincent Gallo


One of a kind- Only One Available!


Own this one of a kind wearable art piece by Vincent Gallo. Helmut Lang hooded parka transformed into Vincent Gallo's political "Campaign Trail" piece. Featuring Ronald Reagan portrait titled Legend, and George Bush titled Hero.

Bottom hem reads "Vincent Gallo on the campaign trail fighting for the good of everyone." Front reads "USA".

Authentic Helmut Lang and Vincent Gallo labels. Signed and dated 2004.

Size not stated. Will fit Men's Small and Women's Small/Medium

Previously owned by Vincent Gallo, has some signs of wear.

it's sold though..

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the, Vincent Gallo, photographié par Jeff Burton, prend la pose pour présenter nonchalamment la nouvelle collection Homme printemps/été 2007 de Yves Saint Laurent. Col cheminée sous veste aux manches retroussées, cool attitude et dandysme...

This magnificent oversized Yves Saint Laurent limited edition catalog features Vincent Gallo modeling the Spring Summer Collection by YSL. This folio measures 12x18 inches, and has over 35 large scale color photographs. Photographed by Jeff Burton in July of 2006, at a John Lautner house previously owned by Vincent Gallo. Cover of folio is autographed by Vincent Gallo.

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