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What the fuck? How is byu up 59-0 on UCLA? All you azn cali homos should kill yourself

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Seriously. Nigga did that to me last night. I was a few white russians deep and was messaging err'body

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I saw a commercial for kfc boneless wings. I think i'm gonna go cop a bunch of shit from there. Those boneless wing tener things, a chicken wrap, maybe something else. I don't really like their sides that much and haven't had their chicken in so long i don't even know if i like that. But the commercial told me to go so i have to.

This will be the first time i've left the house all day (it's 9pm). I have been parked on my couch watching all the simpsons and conan episodes i had dvr'd from this past week. Tomorrow i plan on doing the same thing but at gator's dockside as i watch all the nfl games from about noon to 7pm. This is a great weekend

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It feels like pretty much all the concerts I go to are bands I have seen before...

not sure if I like this or not.

xiu xiu tonight, these arms are snakes next week, seen XX twice before and TAAS 4 times before...

previous concerts were Ice Cube, Boris, Owen, Boris, Double Dagger, Vivian Girls, Danger..... seen them all 2+ times each.

but I do enjoy listening to the same CDs over the years. I like seeing new shows and listening to old CDs I guess.

These Arms Are Snakes show will rule though.

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habia, you back in ny? i would've gone to xiu xiu.

It feels like pretty much all the concerts I go to are bands I have seen before...

not sure if I like this or not.

xiu xiu tonight, these arms are snakes next week, seen XX twice before and TAAS 4 times before...

previous concerts were Ice Cube, Boris, Owen, Boris, Double Dagger, Vivian Girls, Danger..... seen them all 2+ times each.

but I do enjoy listening to the same CDs over the years. I like seeing new shows and listening to old CDs I guess.

These Arms Are Snakes show will rule though.

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Every time i hear the song fabulous muscles i can't help but laughing a lot.

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was reading the waywt shit talk thread, and people was talking about rep function.

my rep has only gotten bigger, yet my powers have seemed to have weakened.

i used to be able to add 2 green blocks...now i only add like one. obviously my neg rep was more lethal 2. my rep got bigger, so wtf is up with my powers?? weird.

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i just looked at chictopia for the first time linked from lulu's post. i noticed that the staff are all chinee. racism. thinking they b the center of the world. no tickee no laundree.

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kunk your PM box is full.

and servo, how often are you changing blades? and how thick the board?

Forget about the money/environment or whatever you really have to change blades every 3-4 cuts or every 150 inches, whichever is sooner.

can't wait until grad school so I can use laser cutters for that stuff.

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I want Marquez to win if only so the chance for a third fight with Pacquiao remains there.

They're perfect foils for each other.

(Viva la Mexico!)


Anyhow... I'm going to call a surprisingly easy fight for Marquez.

And if Casamayor wins, its because Casamayor would have caught him with a good punch Katsidis style.

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